If he's so great, why do I feel so bad?
E. Neil
If he's so great, why do I feel so bad?
E. Neil
- Producent: Vivat
- Rok produkcji: 2022
- ISBN: 9789669826787
- Ilość stron: 256
32,60 PLN
Opis: If he's so great, why do I feel so bad? - E. Neil
Most women who are in an abusive relationship may not even suspect it: manipulative pressure is much harder to spot than physical abuse. Feeling oppressed, controlled, oppressive guilt? Leading American psychotherapist Avery Neal reminds: both partners should be comfortable in a couple. This book will help you determine if the person next to you is really using you, if necessary, break up terrible relationships and rediscover your own identity. Learn how to instill a sense of dignity in your daughter and thereby break the vicious circle of violence.
Szczegóły: If he's so great, why do I feel so bad? - E. Neil
Tytuł: If he's so great, why do I feel so bad?
Autor: E. Neil
Producent: Vivat
ISBN: 9789669826787
Rok produkcji: 2022
Ilość stron: 256
Recenzje: If he's so great, why do I feel so bad? - E. Neil
Inne pozycje tego autora: E. Neil (20)
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