Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal...
Jerzy Zajadło
Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal...
Jerzy Zajadło
- Producent: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
- Rok produkcji: 2023
- ISBN: 9788382065381
- Ilość stron: 290
Opis: Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal... - Jerzy Zajadło
The title of this book refers, of course, to Theodor Adornos well-known study, Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life, even though some may find that very reference to be going too far, to be completely inappropriate, and, thus, quite unjustified. However, it is only a paraphrase of sorts, a play on words, a stimulus to the authors imagination, reflection, and association called up by the German philosophers title and nothing more than that. Beyond those, there are no links in terms of content. When I first came across Adornos text, minima moralia suggested to me an elementary morality, and only later did it become clear that Adornos book is about something quite different. But my first association stuck and became an inspiration for the following book. In Adornos text, the concept of minima moralia relates to form rather than content; in our discussions here, it relates to both to short forms (minima) about basic legal issues (minima iuridica).
This book, Minima Iuridica. Refleksje o pewnych (nie)oczywistościach prawniczych, won the Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński Prize for the best book in the humanities in 2020.
Szczegóły: Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal... - Jerzy Zajadło
Tytuł: Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal...
Autor: Jerzy Zajadło
Producent: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
ISBN: 9788382065381
Rok produkcji: 2023
Ilość stron: 290
Recenzje: Minima Iuridica. Reflections on Certain Legal... - Jerzy Zajadło
Inne pozycje tego autora: Jerzy Zajadło (13)
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