Silver Eagle


Silver Eagle


  • Producent: Arrow
  • Rok produkcji: 2010
  • ISBN: 9781848090132
  • Ilość stron: 640
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Silver Eagle - Ben Kane, B. Kane

The Forgotten Legion fought against almighty odds at the very edge of the known world - and lost. Now Brennus the Gaul, Tarquinius the Etruscan soothsayer and Romulus, bastard son of a Roman nobleman, are prisoners of Parthia. They dream of escape, but in the brutal fighting which lies ahead, only two will survive. Meanwhile, Fabiola, Romulus' twin sister, is caught up in the vicious eddies of Roman politics. Hunted by slave catchers she flees, hoping to find her lover, Brutus, bound for Alexandria with Caesar. Ben Kane's brilliant second novel plunges his characters into a cauldron of war and terror, as Caesar and the Roman Republic hurtle towards their day of reckoning. "The Forgotten Legion marches again. On an epic scale, Ben Kane vividly captures the heat and the dust, and the despair of the survivors of a defeated Roman army now forced to fight for their savage captors in the barbarous lands of the east. Three men with nothing left to live for but each other and the memories of a life they fear they will never return to. Tarquinius, Romulus and Brennus battle for their very existence in the face of impossible odds while, back in Rome, Romulus's sister Fabiola is threatened by the same political forces that threaten to destroy the Republic. The Silver Eagle is an utterly engrossing combination of historical fact and believable fiction that draws the reader in and holds his interest to the last page." Douglas Jackson, author of Caligula

Szczegóły: Silver Eagle - Ben Kane, B. Kane

Tytuł: Silver Eagle
Autor: Ben Kane, B. Kane
Producent: Arrow
ISBN: 9781848090132
Rok produkcji: 2010
Ilość stron: 640
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.47 kg

Recenzje: Silver Eagle - Ben Kane, B. Kane

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