• Producent: John Wiley
  • Rok produkcji: 2008
  • ISBN: 9780470137703
  • Ilość stron: 184
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Bullish Thinking - Brian F. Shaw, Alden Cass, Sydney LeBlanc

Bullish Thinking is packed with hard-hitting true stories of financial professionals who have faced the many job stressors that fill this competitive industry. In it, you'll learn how to identify particular problems and initiate the process of getting help, all while reading in-depth case studies and extensive examples that exemplify the obstacles you may face. Throughout the book, the authors take the time to introduce you to action-oriented approaches that will help you survive and thrive during even the toughest times. "Filled with in-depth insights, strategies, case studies and expert advice" HerelsTheCity.com Monday 21 April 2008 "Filled with in-depth insights, strategies, case studies and expert advice" HerelsTheCity.com Monday 21 April 2008Preface. Acknowledgments. About the Authors. Introduction. Chapter 1. The Hard Issues on Your Desk. What Is Driving You to Destruction? The Reality of Life on the Street-and in the Office. An Action-Oriented Solution: Introducing "Bullish Thinking". Chapter 2. Emotional Issues. The Red Flags of Discontent, Distress, Despair. Are You a Perfectionist? Using the Anchor Technique Successfully. Curing Negative Behavior with Bullish Thinking(t). A Wall Street Tragedy: The Story of Dave. What You Can Do Now. Chapter 3. Bullish Thinking(t). How It Helped Dave Get Back on the Bull and Stopped the Bear from Growling. The Continuing Saga of Dave: Helping Him Get Back on the Bull! What Are the Consequences? Dave Uses Bullish Thoughts. How Will Dave's Quality of Life Improve? Bullish Thinking Case in Point. Irrational Exuberance, Mania, and Hypomania. Use Bullish Thinking as Your Personal Check-and-Balance System. Chapter 4. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. It's About Introspection, After All. Who Are You? You're Happy... Now What's the Problem? You're Afraid...Who Isn't? Rookies: Can You Stick Around for a Year? Rookies Can Do a 180 Degree Turn. Are Wealth Managers Immune from Stress? Chapter 5. Plight of the Wholesaler. Heroes or Villains? Can't We All Just Get Along? The Plight of the Wholesaler. Personal Challenges: The Sales "Monkey" on Your Back. Wholesaler Personality Types. Understanding the Personality Types of Advisors. Chapter 6. Do You Know Your Mindset Style? Why You Act and React the Way You Do. "I Don't Disagree with You". Mindset: The Decision Maker/ Problem Solver. Mindset: The Catalyst. Mindset: The Voice of Reason. Mindset: The Contrarian. Mindset: The Perfectionist/Facts and Details. Do It for Your Clients. Can You Really Change or Adapt Your Style? Chapter 7. The 10 Investor Styles. How to Interact with Them Successfully. Rationale for Understanding Investor Types/Profiles. Characteristics of the Ten Investor Profiles. How You Interact With Your Investors' Profiles. The Top Do's and Don'ts of Working with Specific Investor Profiles. Summary. Chapter 8. Getting What You Want and Need from Others. How to Use the H.A.R.D - E Technique. Burnout: The Beast Within. How to Be Heard: The H.A.R.D - E Technique. So How Do You Begin? Working Together over the Long Haul. Chapter 9. Family Therapy for Brokers. Your Challenges Away From the Office. What Is Anger, and What Provokes You? Channeling the Anger and Rage. How to Channel a Crisis into Productivity. How to Ask for Help. Teams are Families, Too. Chapter 10. Gender Challenges on the Street. Role Discrepancies. Plight of the Female Broker. Sexual Harassment: Real or Just Hypersensitivity? Emotion at Work and Home. Survival Skills in the Wall Street Jungle. Survival Skills Outside of the Office. Seeking Treatment: Don't Let Your Emotions Stop You. Don't Mess With Me; I'm Organized, Ready, and In Control: Case Study. Chapter 11. You Are Not Alone. How to Ask For the Help You Need. You Feelings Are Real; But Your Thoughts Are Deceiving You. The Darkest Place. Mental Disorders Rear Their Head. Case Study: Dennis. Case Study: Daniel. The Last Word ... the First Step. Appendix A. Dr. Alden Cass' Landmark Research Study. Casualties of Wall Street: An Assessment of the Walking Wounded. Introduction. Method. Participants. Location. Instruments. Procedure. Results. Discussion Appendix B. Bad Medicine for Wall Street. Alcohol Use and Other Substance Abuse Trends during War and other Catastrophic Events. Abstract. Bad Medicine for Wall Street: Alcohol Use Trends During War. Method. Participants. Materials. Design and Procedure. Results. Respondent Information. Demographic Information of Respondents. Findings Regarding Hypotheses. Findings Regarding Specific Drinking Behaviors on the AUDIT. Discussion. Recommended Readings and Resources. Rehabilitation Facilities. Websites. Index.

Szczegóły: Bullish Thinking - Brian F. Shaw, Alden Cass, Sydney LeBlanc

Tytuł: Bullish Thinking
Autor: Brian F. Shaw, Alden Cass, Sydney LeBlanc
Producent: John Wiley
ISBN: 9780470137703
Rok produkcji: 2008
Ilość stron: 184
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.26 kg

Recenzje: Bullish Thinking - Brian F. Shaw, Alden Cass, Sydney LeBlanc

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