Word Origins

Word Origins

  • Producent: Wydawnictwo A
  • Rok produkcji: 2005
  • ISBN: 9780713674989
  • Ilość stron: 576
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Word Origins - John Ayto

The average contemporary English speaker knows 50,000 words. Yet stripped down to its origins, this apparently huge vocabulary is in reality much smaller, derived from Latin, French and the Germanic languages. It is estimated that every year, 800 neologisms are added to the English language: acronyms (nimby), blended words (motel), and those taken from foreign languages (savoir-faire). Laid out in an A-Z format with detailed cross references, and written in a style that is both authoritative and accessible, Word Origins is a valuable historical guide to the English language. "authoritative and accessible" www.mantex.co.uk/reviews (1 March 2006) "Anyone who enjoys using words will enjoy tracing the ways in which they have developed." Writing Magazine (March 2006) "I've enjoyed it so much ... it is of such a curious nature I can't resist." The Spectator (11 November 2006)

Szczegóły: Word Origins - John Ayto

Tytuł: Word Origins
Autor: John Ayto
Producent: Wydawnictwo A
ISBN: 9780713674989
Rok produkcji: 2005
Ilość stron: 576
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.86 kg

Recenzje: Word Origins - John Ayto

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