Exit Ghost


Exit Ghost


  • Producent: Vintage Books
  • Rok produkcji: 2008
  • ISBN: 9780099516088
  • Ilość stron: 304
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Exit Ghost - Philip Roth, Ph. Roth

Like Rip Van Winkle returning to his hometown to find that all has changed, Nathan Zuckerman comes back to New York, the city he left eleven years before. Walking the streets like a revenant, he quickly makes three connections that explode his carefully protected solitude. One is with a young couple with whom, in a rash moment, he offers to swap homes. From the moment he meets them, Zuckerman also wants to swap his solitude for the erotic challenge of the young woman, Jaime, whose allure draws him back to all that he thought he had left behind: intimacy, the vibrant play of heart and body. The second connection is with a figure from Zuckerman's youth, Amy Bellette, companion and muse to Zuckerman's first literary hero, E.I. Lonoff. The once irresistible Amy is now an old woman depleted by illness, guarding the memory of that grandly austere American writer who showed Nathan the solitary path to a writing vocation. The third connection is with Lonoff's would-be biographer, a young literary hound who will do and say nearly anything to get to Lonoff's "great secret". Suddenly involved, as he never wanted or intended to be involved again, with love, mourning, desire, and animosity, Zuckerman plays out an interior drama of vivid and poignant possibilities. "Here is a noble revelation of the curel vulnerability of the body we live in without choice" -- Nadine Gordimer, Nobel Laureate Times Literary Supplement "Consistently enthralling...full of tart humour and dancing intelligence" -- John Dugdale Literary Review "Nobody who has followed him - one of the great writers of our time - thus far, should miss it" Scotsman "There are few writers who write with such power of the loss of powers" Times Literary Supplement "A great book, a necessary book" Sunday Herald

Szczegóły: Exit Ghost - Philip Roth, Ph. Roth

Tytuł: Exit Ghost
Autor: Philip Roth, Ph. Roth
Producent: Vintage Books
ISBN: 9780099516088
Rok produkcji: 2008
Ilość stron: 304
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.21 kg

Recenzje: Exit Ghost - Philip Roth, Ph. Roth

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