Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte

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Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte

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Opis: Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte

The revival of Protestant church music after the First World War marked the renewal of pieces available for direct use in services and represented a search for a new scale of values. Admired in church music circles but persecuted by the Nazis for his 'degenerate' music, Hugo Distler was one of its foremost cultivators, imbuing his choral music with pre-Classical forms to create a distinctive style that would be accessible to the 'common' man.

The tender Weihnachtsgeschichte Op.10, composed in 1933, is one of Distler's many works adhering this criteria and which narrates the traditional Christmas story according to the gospels of St Luke and St Matthew. Right from the start, in the first of two motets which frame the piece, the composer conjures up complex modal harmonies that evoke ancient, dark images, and throughout the composition (written for four soloists and four-part a cappella chorus) he recalls the musical language of the great Baroque composer Heinrich Schütz, drawing on his use of word-painting and imitative counterpoint but all the time embellishing the work with new techniques such as syncopated rhythm and harmonic dissonance. The free recitative style of the soloists is particularly affecting -- here the note heads without heads encourage the use of natural speech rhythms, reflecting once again the influence of Schütz through his frequent close matching of music to intonation.

Distler's life came to a tragic end when, in the face of ever increasing persecution in Berlin and the constant threat of recruitment into the military service, he committed suicide in 1942. Multiple repeated phrases in Weihnachtsgeschichte such as 'Zu Bethlehem im jüdischen Lande' ('To Bethlehem in the Jewish countries') are testament to the composer's resolve to stand true to his faith, despite the persecution that it ultimately aroused. This recording, featuring a stellar solo cast ably supported by the Thomanerchor Leipzig -- one of the most respected choirs in the Europe -- can only increase our appreciation for a composer whose work represents an important chapter in sacred music history.

Other information:
- Hugo Distler was one of the most important composers of choral music in the first half of the 20th century. A Protestant, he mainly used his native language German. His music reaches back to the great German polyphonists like Schütz, imbuing it with polymodal and polyrythmical elements, creating a unique, introverted, ascetic but deeply felt language, which touches the heart. His personal troubles and the repression of his music by the Nazis who though it 'degenerate', led to his suicide in 1942, a tragic end of a highly talented composer and human being.
- Excellent performance by the world famous Thomanerchor Leipzig and superb German soloists.
- Booklet contains German and English notes on the music.

Szczegóły: Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte

Nazwa: Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte
Producent: Brilliant Classics
Kod paskowy: 5028421946955
Języki: angielski
Format: 14.0x12.0cm
Oprawa: Plastikowa
Waga: 0.1 kg
Wykonawca: Thomanerchor Leipzig, Hans-Joachim Rotzsch
Czas trwania: 39:54
Typ głównego nośnika: AC
Ilość nośników: 1
Opis nośników:

1. Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (CD-Audio)
   1. Chorus. Das Volk, so im Finstern wandelt (koncert - utwór 03:55)
   2. Chorale. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (koncert - utwór 01:13)
   3. Recitative. Es ward gesandt der Engel Gabriel (Narrator, Angel, Mary) (koncert - utwór 03:09)
   4. Chorale. Das Röslein, das ich meine (koncert - utwór 01:34)
   5. Recitative. Maria aber stand auf (Narrator, Elizabeth) (koncert - utwór 01:18)
   6. Magnificat/Chorale. Meine Seele erhebt Gott, den Herrn/Wir bitten dich von Herzen (koncert - utwór 02:09)
   7. Recitative. Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit (koncert - utwór 02:05)
   8. Chorale. Das Blümelein so kleine (koncert - utwór 01:14)
   9. Recitative. Und es waren Hirten (koncert - utwór 02:13)
   10. Chorus. Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe (koncert - utwór 01:11)
   11. Recitative. Und da die Engel (koncert - utwór 00:12)
   12. Chorus. Lasset uns nun gehen (koncert - utwór 01:30)
   13. Recitative. Und sie kamen eilend (koncert - utwór 00:20)
   14. Chorale. Die Hirten zu der Stunden (koncert - utwór 01:13)
   15. Recitative. Da Jesus geboren war zu Bethlehem (koncert - utwór 00:25)
   16. Chorus. Wo ist der neugeborene König (koncert - utwór 01:36)
   17. Recitative. Da das der König Herodes hörete (koncert - utwór 00:31)
   18. Chorus. Zu Bethlehem, im jüdischen Lande (koncert - utwór 00:56)
   19. Recitative. Denn also stehet geschrieben (koncert - utwór 03:30)
   20. Chorale. Lob, Ehr sei Gott dem Vater (koncert - utwór 02:06)
   21. Recitative. Und siehe, ein Mensch war zu Jerusalem (koncert - utwór 02:26)
   22. Chorale. So singen wir all Amen (koncert - utwór 01:11)
   23. Chorus Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (koncert - utwór 03:51)

Recenzje: Distler: Die Weihnachtsgeschichte

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