World Bank Atlas 2003
World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
World Bank Atlas 2003
World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
- Producent: World Bank
- Rok produkcji: 2003
- ISBN: 9780821354254
- Ilość stron: 81
- Oprawa: Miękka
Opis: World Bank Atlas 2003 - World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
The "World Bank Atlas 2003" provides easy-to-read colourful world maps, tables and graphs highlighting key social, economic and environmental data for 206 countries. The atlas parallels the six thematic sections of World Development Indicators: world view, people, economy, environment, states and markets and global links. This 2003 edition covers progress made toward the international development goals of economic well-being, social development and environmental sustainability and regeneration. The atlas also contains new estimates of purchasing power parities (PPP) as well as data on relative prices for countries that participated in the International Comparison Programme. Economic data also includes gross national income (GNI) and the shares of exports, agriculture and investment in gross domestic product (GDP). Among other information avaliable is data on private investment, energy consumption and population growth.
Szczegóły: World Bank Atlas 2003 - World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
Tytuł: World Bank Atlas 2003
Autor: World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
Producent: World Bank
ISBN: 9780821354254
Rok produkcji: 2003
Ilość stron: 81
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.31 kg
Recenzje: World Bank Atlas 2003 - World Bank, World Bank, World Bank
Inne pozycje tego autora: World Bank, World Bank, World Bank (19)
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