Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie)


Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie)

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Opis: Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie) - Szyjko C. T. dr. red. naukowa

Thought-provoking, expertly researched, and brilliantly evaluated, „Europe at a Crossroads” presents the most informed discussion on the current and future state of Europe's economy. The book is focused on perspectives of the European integration process in this decade, taking the current political and economic crisis of the EU into account. The chapters cover a wide range of topics ranging from the Central European economies to energy security and climate change issues.
This volume, produced within UJK Research Field activities and edited by dr Cezary Szyjko, collects a series of essays, case studies and analyses exploring diverse perspectives on interdisciplinary relations between European countries. Almost twenty international scholars and practitioners from seven European countries discuss cross-domain partnerships, cultural identity and political dialogue, heritage for sciences, European migration and mobility, and describe real-life case studies. Highly recommended for scholars as well as students and researchers.

Książki z opcji dodruk na życzenie są ujednolicone pod względem wykonania:
- okładka kolorowa wydrukowana na kartonie 250 g/m,
- środek czarno-biały, drukowany na papierze offsetowym 80 g/m,
- oprawa miękka klejona.

Szczegóły: Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie) - Szyjko C. T. dr. red. naukowa

Tytuł: Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie)
Autor: Szyjko C. T. dr. red. naukowa
Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo MM Marek Makuliński
Kod paskowy: 9788389710864
ISBN: 978-83-89710-86-4
Rok wydania: 2013
Ilość stron: 184
Format: 170 x 240 mm
Oprawa: Miękka

Recenzje: Europe at a Crossroads (dodruk na życzenie) - Szyjko C. T. dr. red. naukowa

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