Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie)


Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie)

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Opis: Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie) - Tomasz Oszako

This study presents what is now one of the most important issues in the protection of forests from potentially-damaging agents, i.e. the phenomenon of oak dieback extending into several continents, though most destructively in North America and Europe.
The book contains a great deal of practical information that may be put to use in the protection of Poland's oak stands from the agents capable of doing them damage. The impressive amount of literature utilized and cited raises the study to the level of a monographic treatment in regard to both the recognition of the disease-causing agents affecting different oak species in Europe and the employment of remedial measures, be these prophylactic ones connected with silviculture and forest protection, or measures associated with the biological, physico-mechanical or chemical methods of protecting oak stands.

Książki z opcji dodruk na życzenie są ujednolicone pod względem wykonania:
- okładka kolorowa wydrukowana na kartonie 250 g/m,
- środek czarno-biały, drukowany na papierze offsetowym 80 g/m,
- oprawa miękka klejona.

Szczegóły: Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie) - Tomasz Oszako

Tytuł: Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie)
Autor: Tomasz Oszako
Wydawnictwo: Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
Kod paskowy: 9788387647377
Rok wydania: 2004
Ilość stron: 150
Format: 150 x 210 mm
Oprawa: Miękka

Recenzje: Protection of forest against pest insects and diseases. European oak decline study case (dodruk na życzenie) - Tomasz Oszako

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