Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth

Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth

  • Producent: Que Corporation
  • Rok produkcji: 2012
  • ISBN: 9780789749192
  • Ilość stron: 648
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Cena 133,00 PLN
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Opis: Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth - Jim Cheshire

Do more with Microsoft Expression Web 4 SP2-in less time! This is the world's most expert, complete, and practical guide to succeeding with Expression Web 4 SP2! Microsoft insider Jim Cheshire presents today's best solutions for everything you need to do with Expression Web 4 SP2 and its brand-new HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery tools!. Create, edit, and manage content...implement leading-edge designs...integrate dynamic content...add powerful features with no custom coding...leverage SP2's latest time-saving the job right, and do it fast! *"In the trenches" solutions, big-picture insights, real examples, time-saving shortcuts* Boost productivity with custom workspaces, Snapshot & Snippet panels, Universal Commenting, and other SP2 improvements* Optimize every phase of development, from site creation through reporting* Use Expression Web 4 features together to solve real web design problems and achieve real business goals* Build HTML5/CSS3 standards-compliant sites that work properly in any modern browser* Learn high-efficiency techniques for using tables, forms, and QuickTags* Add more dynamic, interactive content with Behaviors and Layers* Differentiate your site with dynamic components and client-side JavaScript* Use ASP.NET's simple tools to display, edit, and manage data without custom code* Develop accessible, Section 508- or WCAG-compliant sites* Efficiently test sites and apps with SP2's enhanced SuperPreview and remote browsing* Easily password-protect content with ASP.NET Login controls and membership features* Leverage Expression Web's updated PHP 5.3 support, including module IntelliSense and "Open as PHP"* Efficiently troubleshoot any site development problem Register your book at to get the entire book in searchable PDF format, including all examples and sample files, plus a bonus four-chapter mini book on creating add-ins with JavaScript and HTML!Introduction Who Should Use This Book? 1 Why Use Expression Web? 1 How This Book Is Organized 2 Special Elements 3 I An Overview 1 An Overview of Expression Web 4 5 The Expression Web Interface 5 Panels 5 The Folder List 7 The Design Surface 8 The Status Bar 9 Working with Sites 9 Creating Sites 9 Site Reports 10 Publishing Sites 10 Tools for Creating Pages 11 Dynamic Web Templates 11 Find and Replace 11 Editing Tag Properties 12 Quick Tag Tools 13 Powerful CSS Tools 13 Style Builder 13 Manage Styles Panel 14 Apply Styles Panel 14 Site Optimization 16 Accessibility Checker 16 Compatibility Checker 16 SEO Checker 17 SuperPreview 17 CSS Reports 17 Scripting and Dynamic Content 18 Interactive Buttons 19 Behaviors 19 Layers 19 Photoshop Content 21 Deep Zoom Images 21 Video 21 ASP.NET Controls 22 PHP Support 22 Data Access Features 23 Creating Add-Ins 23 II Creating Content in Expression Web 4 2 Creating, Opening, and Importing Sites 25 What Is a Site? 25 How Expression Web Maintains a Site 25 Sites and Subsites 27 Site Templates 27 Types of Sites 29 Disk-Based Sites 29 FTP Sites 32 HTTP Sites 35 Importing Sites with the Import Site Wizard 38 Choosing an Import Method 38 Specifying a Destination Web Location 44 Finishing the Site Import Process 44 Deciding on a Site Type 45 3 Creating Pages and Basic Page Editing 47 Creating Pages 47 General Page 47 ASP.NET Pages 49 CSS Layouts 50 Style Sheets 50 Frames Pages 51 Importing Files 51 Formatting Text 52 How Expression Web Formats Text 52 Font Families 54 Font Sizes 55 Creating Hyperlinks 55 Targeting Hyperlinks 56 Hyperlink Parameters 56 HTML Bookmarks 57 Hyperlink Screentips 58 Spell-Checking 59 Configuring Page Properties 60 General Tab 60 Formatting Tab 61 Advanced Tab 61 Custom Tab 62 Language Tab 63 Using Code Snippets 63 Configuring File Editors 65 Making the Most of Code Snippets 68 4 Using Page Views 69 Introduction to Page Views 69 Working in Design View 70 Visual Aids 70 Ruler and Grid 74 Tracing Images 76 Adjusting Page Size 78 Working in Code View 79 Customizing Code Formatting 81 Quick Tag Tools 83 IntelliSense 83 Context Menu 84 Bookmarks 84 Working in Split View 85 Taking Advantage of Page Views 86 5 Using Tables 87 The Origin of Tables 87 The Makeup of an HTML Table Tag 88 The align Attribute 88 Table Borders 90 The cellpadding Attribute 91 The cellspacing Attribute 92 The frame Attribute 93 Rows, Columns, and Cells 93 The colspan and rowspan Attributes 94 Aligning Content in Cells 95 middle 95 Tables in Expression Web 96 Inserting Tables 97 Customizing Tables 97 Designing for Multiple Resolutions Using Tables 106 6 Using Frames 109 Using Frames in Sites 109 When to Use Frames 109 When Not to Use Frames 110 Creating Frames Pages 110 Configuring Frames 112 Splitting Frames 113 Deleting Frames 114 Creating Alternative Content 114 Targeting Frames 115 Adding and Configuring Inline Frames 117 Tips for Frames 119 Frame Borders 119 Resizable Frames 120 Breaking Out of a Frameset 121 7 Editing Tag Properties 123 An Introduction to Tag Properties 123 Understanding the Tag Properties Panel 123 Viewing Tag Properties with the Tag Properties Panel 126 Setting Tag Attributes with the Tag Properties Panel 128 Creating a Page 128 Setting Tag Properties 128 Using Events with the Tag Properties Panel 130 Tag Properties and Web Standards 131 8 Using the Quick Tag Tools 133 Introduction to the Quick Tag Tools 133 Locating and Selecting Elements Using the Quick Tag Selector 134 Editing Page Content Using the Quick Tag Editor 136 Editing a Tag 137 Removing a Tag 138 Inserting HTML 140 Wrapping a Tag 141 Controlling Positioning 142 Editing Tag Properties 142 When to Use the Quick Tag Editor 142 9 Using Graphics and Multimedia 145 Web Image Formats 145 The GIF Format 145 The JPEG Format 146 The PNG Format 146 Inserting Images 146 Formatting Images 148 Resizing Images 148 Changing Picture Properties 149 Converting Images 151 Creating Image Thumbnails 153 Configuring Auto Thumbnails 155 Creating Image Maps 156 Inserting Multimedia 157 Inserting Flash Movies 157 Inserting Silverlight Applications 159 Inserting Silverlight Video 160 Inserting Deep Zoom Images 161 Inserting Windows Media 163 Importing Adobe Photoshop Files 167 Page Transitions 168 Serving Video 169 10 Using Find and Replace 171 An Introduction to Find and Replace 171 Finding and Replacing Text 172 Using Regular Expressions 172 Finding Text 173 Replacing Text 176 Using HTML Rules in Find and Replace 179 Finding and Replacing HTML Tags 181 Saving Queries 182 Editing and Removing Recent Searches 183 11 Configuring Page Editor Options 187 Accessing Page Editor Options 187 Exploring Page Editor Options 187 The General Tab 187 AutoThumbnail Tab 191 Default Fonts Tab 191 Code Formatting Tab 191 CSS Tab 191 Color Coding Tab 193 Authoring Tab 193 Picture Tab 195 Code Snippets Tab 195 Ruler and Grid Tab 195 IntelliSense Tab 197 Font Families Tab 197 Experiment to Learn More 199 12 Maintaining Compatibility and Accessibility 201 An Introduction to Accessibility 201 Designing for Accessibility 202 Accessible Hyperlinks 202 Accessible Tables 203 Accessible Frames 204 Other Accessibility Considerations 204 Using the Accessibility Checker 205 Checking Accessibility 205 Working with the Accessibility Panel 206 Generating Accessibility Reports 208 Designing for Compatibility 209 What Is Browser Compatibility? 209 Compatibility Features in Expression Web 210 Identifying Code Problems 210 Marking Invalid Code 213 Using Reports to Find Problems 214 Seeing Color 216 13 Using SuperPreview 217 An Overview of SuperPreview 217 SuperPreview 217 How SuperPreview Generates a Preview 218 The SuperPreview Interface 220 Pointer Modes 220 DOM Highlighting 220 UI Helpers 220 Layout Modes 221 Preview URL 221 Baseline and Comparison Browser Selectors 222 DOM Tab 222 Browser Size Drop-Down 224 Using SuperPreview to Preview Layout 224 Setting Up the Previews 224 Generating Previews 225 Fixing Rendering Problems 225 Using the Snapshot Panel 229 Using Remote Browsers 230 Building Layouts with SuperPreview 232 III Publishing and Managing Websites 14 Publishing a Site 235 What Is Publishing? 235 Server Options for Publishing 236 FTP 236 FrontPage Server Extensions 237 WebDAV 239 File System 240 Publishing Content 241 Configuring a Publishing Destination and Publishing a Site 241 Publishing Selected Files and Synchronizing Files 244 Optimizing HTML During Publishing 244 Troubleshooting HTTP Publishing 246 Hosting Your Site 253 15 Site Management and Reporting 255 Site Settings 255 General Tab 255 Preview Tab 256 Advanced Tab 257 Publishing Tab 258 Site Reports 259 Configuring Reports 261 Saving Reports 263 Using SEO Reports to Increase Traffic 263 16 Using Personal Web Packages 267 What Are Web Packages? 267 Creating a Web Package 267 Importing a Web Package 270 Capitalizing on Web Packages 272 IV Using CSS in Expression Web 4 17 Creating Style Sheets 273 An Introduction to CSS 273 The Purpose of CSS 274 How CSS Is Applied to Pages 277 External Style Sheets 277 Embedded Style Sheets 277 Inline Styles 278 Formatting Content with CSS 278 Positioning Content with CSS 284 CSS Classes 287 Basic Application of a CSS Class 287 Applying Multiple CSS Classes 289 Pseudo-Classes 290 Pseudo-Elements 291 Centering a DIV with CSS 292 18 Managing CSS Styles 293 Expression Web's CSS Tools 293 Apply Styles Panel 293 Manage Styles Panel 293 Link Style Sheet Dialog 295 CSS Properties Panel 295 CSS Reports 296 Style Builder 297 Working with Styles 298 Using the Manage Styles Panel 299 Using the Apply Styles Panel 304 Using the CSS Properties Panel 307 Using the Style Builder 310 Using the Attach Style Sheet and Link Style Sheet Dialogs 312 CSS Reports 313 Checking for CSS Errors 313 Checking CSS Usage 315 Arranging CSS Styles 315 V Scripting, DHTML, and Other Dynamic Content 19 Using Dynamic Web Templates 317 An Introduction to Dynamic Web Templates 317 Creating a Dynamic Web Template 318 Creating a Page Layout 319 Adding Editable Regions 319 Attaching a Dynamic Web Template 322 Attaching to an Existing Page 322 Attaching to a New Page 324 Updating a Site with Dynamic Web Templates 324 Modifying a Dynamic Web Template 324 Modifying an Attached Page in Code View 325 Managing Editable Regions 327 Adding a New Editable Region 327 Renaming an Existing Editable Region 328 Resolving Mismatched Editable Regions 329 Detaching a Dynamic Web Template 330 Under the Hood 331 20 Using Interactive Buttons 333 Overview of Interactive Buttons 333 Inserting and Configuring Interactive Buttons 334 The Button Tab 334 The Font Tab 335 The Image Tab 337 Saving an Interactive Button 339 Editing an Interactive Button 340 Practical Uses for Interactive Buttons 341 21 Using Behaviors 343 Understanding and Working with Behaviors 343 Using the Behaviors Panel 343 How Behaviors Work 344 Adding Behaviors Within a Paragraph 344 Expression Web Behaviors 345 The Call Script Behavior 345 The Change Property Behavior 346 The Change Property Restore Behavior 349 The Go To URL Behavior 349 The Jump Menu Behavior 350 The Jump Menu Go Behavior 350 The Open Browser Window Behavior 351 The Play Sound Behavior 352 The Popup Message Behavior 353 The Preload Images Behavior 353 The Set Text Behavior 354 The Swap Image Behavior 357 The Swap Image Restore Behavior 357 When to Use Behaviors 358 22 Client Scripting 359 A History of Browser Scripting 359 JavaScript Basics 361 Adding JavaScript to a Page 361 Linking to an External Script File 362 Adding Inline JavaScript 363 The Document Object Model 363 The window Object 364 The document Object 365 Writing Simple Scripts 366 Showing and Hiding Page Elements 366 Accessing and Changing Attributes 371 Form Field Validation 373 Debugging 377 23 Using Layers 379 Introduction to Layers 379 Inserting and Configuring Layers 380 Adding Content to a Layer 381 Resizing a Layer 382 Creating and Working with Child Layers 383 Positioning Layers 386 Setting Layer Properties with Behaviors 387 Setting the Visibility of Layers 387 Adding Layer Interactivity 388 Z-Order Anomalies 393 24 Using Form Controls 395 Understanding HTML Forms 395 Using Form Controls in Expression Web 396 Creating a Form 397 Saving Form Results to a File or Email 400 File Results Tab 401 Email Results Tab 402 Confirmation Page Tab 404 Saved Fields Tab 406 Saving Form Results to a Database 407 Updating a Database with New Fields 409 Hidden Form Fields 410 VI ASP.NET and PHP Development 25 Using Standard ASP.NET Controls 411 ASP.NET: A Brief Introduction 411 Creating ASP.NET Pages 412 The Basics of ASP.NET Controls 414 Understanding Control Properties 415 An Overview of the Standard ASP.NET Controls 419 The AdRotator Control 420 Creating a Simple AdRotator Page 422 Creating the Advertisement File 422 The Calendar Control 426 Formatting the Calendar Control 426 Calendar Control Properties 427 The Wizard Control 431 Wizard Steps 431 Creating a Simple Wizard 432 Making ASP.NET Work for You 439 Formatting with Styles 439 26 Using ASP.NET Navigation Controls 441 Overview of Navigation Systems 441 Creating a Sitemap File 443 Using the ASP.NET Menu Control 444 Creating a Test Site 445 Adding a Menu Control 446 Formatting the Menu Control 448 Using the ASP.NET TreeView Control 451 Formatting the TreeView Control 453 Using the ASP.NET SiteMapPath Control 457 Formatting the SiteMapPath Control 458 Improving Navigation with Master Pages 459 27 Using ASP.NET Master Pages and User Controls 461 The Need for a Common Layout 461 The Master Page 461 The Content Page 464 Developing a Master Page Site 467 Creating the Master Page 467 Creating the Content Page 473 Extend Reusability with ASP.NET User Controls 475 28 Developing a Login System Using ASP.NET 477 Website Login Systems 477 Overview of ASP.NET Login Controls 478 The Login Control 478 LoginStatus Control 482 LoginName Control 482 ChangePassword Control 482 PasswordRecovery Control 487 CreateUserWizard Control 488 LoginView Control 489 Creating a Login Solution 491 Configuring the Website (IIS 5 or IIS 6) 492 Configuring the Website (IIS 7.x) 494 Configuring the Website (Microsoft Expression Development Server) 502 Creating the Web Pages 504 Using Web Deploy to Publish a Membership Database 507 29 Form Validation Using ASP.NET 511 The Need for Form Validation 511 The ASP.NET Validation Controls 511 Common Properties 513 Creating a Validated Form 515 Validation Groups 521 30 Using ASP.NET Web Parts 523 An Introduction to Web Parts 523 Creating ASP.NET User Controls 524 Web Parts Controls in the Toolbox 525 Creating a Web Parts Page 526 Web Parts Page Display Modes 529 Creating a User Control That Sets the Display Mode 530 Adding Code to Change the Display Mode 531 The Web Parts Catalog 534 Editing Web Parts Controls 537 31 Using ASP.NET Ajax 541 What Is Ajax? 541 Microsoft's ASP.NET Ajax 541 Client-Side Ajax 542 Server-Side Ajax 542 Microsoft Ajax Control Toolkit 543 Adding Ajax Functionality to a Web Form 543 Creating a Site and Page 543 Adding Server-Side Code 545 Adding a ScriptManager Control 546 Adding an UpdatePanel Control 548 Using Client-Side Ajax 549 Adding a to the Web Form 549 Creating the Client Library 549 Adding the Client Script to the ScriptManager Control 550 32 Using PHP 553 An Introduction to PHP 553 PHP Syntax 553 Installing PHP 557 Installing IIS 7 and FastCGI 557 Installing PHP 559 Configuring the Microsoft Expression Development Server for PHP 560 Enabling PHP for IIS Using FastCGI 561 Creating PHP Pages 562 Previewing the Page 563 PHP in Design View 566 PHP in Code View 568 PHP Syntax Highlighting 568 Using IntelliSense with PHP 568 Setting PHP-Specific IntelliSense Options 570 PHP Script Options 572 Form Variable 572 URL Variable 573 Session Variable 573 Cookie Variable 574 Include Once 574 Code Block 575 Comment 576 Displaying PHP Information 577 33 Using the Microsoft Expression Development Server 579 Introduction to the Microsoft Expression Development Server 579 How to Use the Microsoft Expression Development Server 581 Limitations of the Microsoft Expression Development Server 583 Process Identity 583 No Remote Access 584 No Support for ASP Pages 584 Starting the Microsoft Expression Development Server from the Command Prompt 585 VII Managing Data with ASP.NET 34 Displaying and Editing Database Data with ASP.NET 587 A History of Data Access 587 Data Access Technologies in Expression Web 588 ASP.NET and Other Web Application Platforms 588 ASP.NET Data Source Controls 589 AccessDataSource Control 589 SqlDataSource Control 591 SiteMapDataSource Control 591 XmlDataSource Control 592 Displaying Data with ASP.NET 592 Displaying Data in Tabular Form 592 Sorting the GridView 595 Editing Data with ASP.NET 597 Configuring the Data Source 597 Configuring the GridView 598 Testing the Page 599 Creating a Master/Detail View 600 Creating the Master View 600 Creating the Detail View 601 35 Sending Email Using ASP.NET 605 A Typical Contact Form 605 Creating the Contact Form 606 Adding and Configuring ASP.NET Validation Controls 608 Adding the Validation Controls 608 Writing ASP.NET Code to Send Email 611 Displaying a Confirmation Page 613 VIII Creating Add-Ins Using JavaScript and HTML (Online Only) 36 Expression Web 4 Add-in Basics 615 Add-ins in Expression Web 615 Expression Web 4 JavaScript Add-ins 616 The Makeup of Expression Web Addins 616 XML Basics 617 General Manifest Elements and Attributes 618 src (optional) 618 legacy (optional) 619 developer (optional) 619 navigationallowed (optional) 619 (required) 620 (optional) 620 (optional) 620 (optional) 621 (optional) 621 (optional) 621 (optional) 621 (optional) 622 Commands and Dialog Boxes 622 id (required) 622 filetype (optional) 622 onclick (optional) 623 Menus and Toolbars 624 (optional) 624 (optional) 626 Panels 627 ANEL> (optional) 628 Menu and Command Bar Reference 630 Menus 631 Toolbars 650 37 Creating and Manipulating an Add-in User Interface 661 Planning an Add-in 661 Creating the Manifest with the Add-in Builder 662 Creating the Manifest 662 Editing the Manifest 667 Creating the User Interfaces 667 Creating a Custom Page Size for Panels 668 Creating the Panel's Interface 669 Creating the Options Dialog Interface 672 Adding Functionality with JavaScript 673 JavaScript for panel.htm 673 JavaScript for options.htm 679 The Set Page Title Dialog 680 Accessing Managed Classes from JavaScript 682 Creating a Managed Class 683 Editing the Add-in Manifest to Load the Managed Class 686 Calling the Managed Class 687 Summary 687

Szczegóły: Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth - Jim Cheshire

Tytuł: Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth
Autor: Jim Cheshire
Producent: Que Corporation
ISBN: 9780789749192
Rok produkcji: 2012
Ilość stron: 648
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 1 kg

Recenzje: Microsoft Expression Web 4 in Depth - Jim Cheshire

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