Build a Website for Free

Build a Website for Free

  • Producent: Que Corporation
  • Rok produkcji: 2012
  • ISBN: 9780789750235
  • Ilość stron: 384
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Cena 86,00 PLN
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Opis: Build a Website for Free - Mark William Bell

Build yourself a state-of-the-art website. It's incredibly easy...and it won't cost you a dime! You need a website. But you don't need the hassles that usually go with building one or the expense of hiring someone else to do it. Here's your solution: Build a Website for Free! You'll learn how you can use current technologies to create a site that's impressive and effective. And here's the best part: You'll do it all with software and tools that won't cost you a dime! * Plan, organize, and design a site that really works, using tools you can find for free * Discover the simple secrets of writing pages people want to read * Explore HTML5 and JavaScript * Use video on your site-and get someone else to pay for hosting it * Add an easy-to-update blog and start building your own web community * Quickly and easily handle "nuts and bolts" tasks, from getting your site name to uploading your content * Get your site picked up by Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines * Adapt your site for easy viewing on smart phones and tablets.Introduction ...1 Part I: The Basics 1 The Order of Things ...11 The Website-Creation Process ...12 1. Planning ...13 2. Design ...14 3. Building ...14 4. Testing ...15 5. Promotion and Maintenance ...15 Why You Should Follow This Order ...16 2 Choosing a Location for Your Site ...17 Web Hosting ...17 What Is a Web Server? ...18 Determining Your Web Hosting Needs ...19 Cost ...19 Technical Knowledge Required ...20 Maintenance Needs ...20 Storage Space ...20 Accessibility ...20 Bandwidth Needs ...20 Security Needs ...21 Domain Name Service ...21 Hosting Options ...23 Home Hosting ...23 Free Online Hosting ...23 Online Hosting Service ...23 Professional Hosting ...24 Commercial Hosting ...24 So, What Works Best for You? ...24 Working with Different Types of Hosting Services ...25 Free Services ...25 Low-Cost Commercial Sites ...27 Other Resources ...27 Part II: Plan and Prep 3 Planning Your Site ...29 What Type of Site Do You Want to Build? ...30 Types of Sites ...30 Learning from Sites You Go To ...34 Website Goals ...35 Organizing Websites ...36 Organizing the Site ...37 Organizing My Personal Site ...38 Organizing the Page ...38 Web Page Designs ...40 Best Practices of Website Organization ...41 Keep Your Website Simple ...41 Keep Your Website Consistent ...42 Keep Your Website Easy to Maintain ...42 4 Designing Your Site ...43 I Can't Make a Website That Looks That Good! ...44 Content Before Design ...45 Overall Design ...45 Design Ideas ...46 Colors ...46 The Magic Four ...46 Hex Color ...47 Color Schemes ...48 Color Blindness ...50 Fonts ...51 System Fonts ...51 Fonts as Images ...52 Fonts and Color ...53 Images ...53 Cascading Style Sheets ...54 Design Best Practices ...54 Content Is King ...54 Put What Is New Front and Center ...54 Keep It Simple ...54 Don't Use Attention Grabbers ...54 Be Consistent ...54 5 Gathering Your Tools ...55 Finding the Right Tools for the Job ...56 Tool Sites and Reviews ...56 Downloading New Software ...56 Essential Tools ...58 Operating Systems ...58 Web Browsers ...58 Office Suites ...59 File Transfer Protocol Programs ...59 Text Editor ...60 Graphics Editors ...61 HTML Editors ...62 Sound Recorders ...63 Video Editing ...64 Advanced Tools ...64 Future of Free Web Tools ...64 6 Moving Files to and from the Internet ...65 Storing Your Files ...66 Naming Files ...66 Keep All Your Web Files in One Place ...67 Have an Organizational Structure ...68 Use a Version Control System ...69 Back Up Your Files ...69 Uploading Files to the Internet ...70 Logging In ...71 Creating a FTP Site Listing ...72 Adding New Files ...72 Changing Existing Files ...73 Downloading Files from an FTP Server ...73 One File or Many ...73 Downloading from a Browser ...74 Types of Download Files ...74 Best Practices for Downloading Files ...76 Part III: Website Building Basics 7 Elements of a Website ...77 Content ...78 Content Best Practices ...78 Content Standards ...79 Parts of a Web Page ...80 Title ...80 Header ...81 Body ...81 Footer ...83 Sidebars ...83 Navigational Elements ...84 Parts of a Website ...85 Home Page ...85 Content Pages ...86 How Do I Know How to Organize My Site? ...87 Web Advertising ...88 Banner Ads ...89 Animated Ads ...89 Google AdSense ...89 iSocket ...90 Advertising Widgets ...90 8 Using Existing Websites ...93 Social Networking Sites ...94 MySpace ...95 Facebook ...95 Twitter ...100 Other Web 2.0 Sites ...101 Pinterest ...102 Flickr ...102 ...103 Promoting Your Website on Other Sites ...103 9 Web Page Services ...105 Before We Begin ...106 Google Sites ...106 Signing Up for Google Sites ...107 Creating a Google Site ...108 Editing a Page ...111 Creating a Page ...113 Move a Page ...114 Delete a Page ...114 Edit Page Settings ...114 Edit Site Settings ...115 Google Sites Features and Limitations ...116 Weebly ...116 Signing Up for Weebly ...116 Creating a Site on Weebly ...117 Editing a Page ...118 Weebly Features and Limitations ...119 Webs ...119 Signing Up for Webs ...119 10 HTML 101 ...121 The Structure of HTML ...122 Elements, Tags, and Attributes ...123 The Structure of Elements ...124 Common HTML Tags ...125 HTML Structure Tags ...125 Text Tags ...126 Lists ...129 Tables ...130 Hyperlinks ...131 Images ...132 Free HTML Editors ...132 Text Editors ...132 WYSIWYG Editors ...133 Resources ...134 Using a Text Editor to Create HTML ...135 11 HTML5 ...137 What Is HTML5 and Why Should I Care? ...137 Standards ...138 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ...138 HTML and XHTML ...138 HTML5 Standard ...138 High Level of Changes ...138 Browser Overview ...139 HTML5 Resources ...140 HTML5 Elements ...140 Structure Elements ...140 Multimedia Elements ...144 HTML5 Forms ...145 Fun Stuff ...147 Removed Elements ...149 12 Working with Images ...151 Creating Graphics ...152 Compression: Lossy and Lossless ...152 Editing Images ...154 Resizing Images ...154 Saving Images ...154 Optimizing Images ...155 When to Use Different File Types ...156 Slicing Images ...157 Image Maps ...158 Animated GIFs ...159 Images and HTML ...159 The Image Tag ...160 Inline Images ...161 Background Images ...162 Finding Images ...162 Free Images ...162 Other People's Images ...163 Using Your Own Images ...163 13 Working with Multimedia ...165 Digital Audio Files ...167 Audio Formats ...167 Audio Players ...168 Digitizing Audio ...169 Audio Editing ...169 Streaming Audio ...170 Audio Resources ...171 Digital Video Files ...172 Video Formats ...172 Video Players ...173 Digitizing Video ...174 Video Editing ...174 Video Hosting Sites ...175 Working with YouTube ...175 Video Resources ...178 Multimedia Best Practices ...179 14 Building a Site Using HTML ...181 How Web Pages Work ...182 Page File ...182 Extensions ...182 Tools for Creating Web Pages ...182 Parts of a Page ...184 Hyperlinks ...185 Cascading Style Sheets ...193 Format of a Style Sheet ...194 Creating and Linking a Style Sheet ...195 Putting It All Together ...196 Scripting ...201 Using Templates ...202 15 JavaScript for Beginners ...203 Yes! You Can Be a Programmer! ...203 Geek Speak: Script Versus Language ...204 Programming Process ...204 Programming Tools ...204 JavaScript Console ...205 Text Editors ...205 Browser Add-Ins ...206 JavaScript Basics ...206 Functions of JavaScript ...207 JavaScript Versions ...207 JavaScript Requirements ...207 The Script Element ...207 Inline and External Scripts ...208 Simple JavaScript Example: Rollovers and Dynamic Content . .209 JavaScript Resources ...211 Tutorials ...212 Script Libraries ...213 Part IV: Site Testing and Maintenance 16 How'd They Do That? ...215 Viewing Code from Other Websites ...216 Web Development Firefox Add-Ons ...216 Recommended Firefox Web-Development Add-Ons ...217 Recommended Chrome Web-Development Add-Ons ...221 Recommended Safari Web-Development Add-Ons ...222 Badges ...222 Widgets ...224 Templates ...225 Developer Networks and Sites ...226 17 Making Your Site Work on Smartphones and Tablets . .229 Why Should You Care About the Mobile Web? ...230 How People Access the Mobile Web ...230 Become a Mobile Web User ...230 Mobile Web Devices (MWD) ...231 Mobile Operating Systems ...232 Mobile Browsers ...233 Limitations of the Mobile Web ...234 Making Your Website Mobile ...235 Mobile Browser Detection ...235 Domains and Subdomains ...236 Use the Right Code ...236 Page Sizes ...236 Interface ...237 Things to Avoid ...237 Mobile Web Tools and Sites ...237 Testing Your Site on a Mobile Phone ...239 18 Testing Your Website ...241 Why Testing Is Important ...242 Building a Test Plan ...243 Starting at the End ...243 Testing Basic Functionality ...244 Testing HTML ...244 Testing Browsers ...246 Testing Resolution ...246 Testing Printing ...247 Testing Navigation ...248 Testing Consistency of Design ...248 Testing Security ...249 Testing Mobile and Tablet-Based Websites ...249 Testing Accessibility ...250 After Testing ...251 Testing Tools ...251 Part V: Website Workshop 19 Promoting Your Website ...253 Self-Promotion ...254 Have Excellent and Unique Content ...254 Update Content ...254 Publicize Your URL ...255 Connect with Others ...256 Social Media Sites for Self-Promotion ...258 Search Engines ...259 How Search Engines Work ...259 Optimizing Your Site for Search Engines ...261 Keywords ...261 Meta Tags ...261 20 Maintaining Your Website ...263 What? I'm Not Done? ...263 Regular Maintenance ...264 Weekly Tasks ...264 Monthly Tasks ...264 Annual Tasks ...264 The Power of Analytics ...265 Common Analytics and What They Mean ...265 Using Google Analytics ...266 Tweaking Your Site Based on Analytics ...270 21 Building a Blog Using WordPress ...271 What Is a Blog? ...272 Why Should I Blog? ...272 Blog Publishing ...272 Syndication ...273 What Is WordPress? ...273 Software Versions ...273 Building a Blog Using ...274 Signing Up for ...275 Activating Your Account ...278 Logging Into Your Blog ...279 Writing Blog Posts ...280 Managing Blog Posts ...282 Changing the Design of Your Blog ...283 Manage the Comments on Your Blog ...284 Setting Up Your Own Blog with WordPress Software ...285 Information You Need Before You Begin ...285 How WordPress Software Works ...285 How Much Does All This Cost? ...286 Before Installing Your Software ...286 Confirm That the Right Software Is Installed on Your Server . .287 Get a Text Editor ...287 Get an FTP Client ...287 Pick a Username and Password ...287 Download and Install WordPress ...287 Download WordPress Software ...288 Customization of WordPress ...288 Adding Themes ...289 Adding Plug-Ins ...289 Personalization of WordPress ...290 Modifying Themes ...290 Creating Themes ...291 Creating Plug-Ins ...292 Blogging on Your iPhone ...292 A Simple Blogging Solution ...293 Keep an Eye on Things ...293 22 Building a Business Site Using a Content Management System . .295 Five Reasons to Use Open Source as Your CMS ...296 Building a Site with Joomla! ...297 Before Installing Your Joomla! Software ...298 Download and Install Joomla! ...298 Adding Articles ...299 Managing Users ...300 Modules, Plug-Ins, and Templates ...302 Keep an Eye on Things ...302 Other Open Source CMSs ...302 23 Building a Multimedia Website ...305 Best Practices for Multimedia ...306 Using Multimedia ...308 Storing Multimedia Files ...308 Downloading Audio and Video Files ...309 Streaming Audio and Video ...310 Advanced Multimedia Options ...314 ( ...315 Webtrends Apps ( ...315 Advanced Open-Source Multimedia ...315 24 Building a Site Using a Wiki ...317 Five Reasons to Use Wikia to Host Your Wiki ...318 Five Reasons to Use MediaWiki for Your Wiki ...319 What Is Wikia? ...319 Building a Wiki Using Wikia ...320 Signing Up for Wikia ...320 Adding a Page ...322 Editing a Page ...323 Linking Pages ...323 Viewing Page History ...324 What Is MediaWiki? ...325 Information You Need Before You Begin ...326 MediaWiki Software Architecture ...326 Before Installing Your MediaWiki Software ...326 Download and Install MediaWiki ...327 Keep an Eye on Things ...329 Part VI: Appendixes A List of the Most Common HTML Tags ...331 B Free and Open-Source Software Sites ...335 TOC, 10/19/2012, 9780789750235

Szczegóły: Build a Website for Free - Mark William Bell

Tytuł: Build a Website for Free
Autor: Mark William Bell
Producent: Que Corporation
ISBN: 9780789750235
Rok produkcji: 2012
Ilość stron: 384
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 0.59 kg

Recenzje: Build a Website for Free - Mark William Bell

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