• Producent: Pearson
  • Rok produkcji: 2013
  • ISBN: 9781292027807
  • Ilość stron: 584
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Social Psychology - Robert Cialdini, Steven Neuberg, Douglas Kenrick

For an undergraduate introductory level course in social psychology. Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction reveals the motives behind social behavior-why people love, hate, lead, and follow, for example- and bridges the person and the social situation. A unique integrated approach to social behavior: What do terrorist bombings, testosterone, one-minute "hurry dates," Facebook, and political smear campaigns have to do with one another? Social Psychology textbooks typically provide a laundry list of interesting, but disconnected facts and theories. This standard approach grabs interest but falls short as a way to learn. Kenrick, Neuberg, and Cialdini instead provide an integrative approach, one that both builds upon traditional lessons learned by the field and pushes those lessons to the cutting-edge. By organizing each chapter around the two broad questions-"What are the goals that underlie the behavior in question?" and "What factors in the person and the situation connect to each goal?" -the book presents the discipline as a coherent framework for understanding human behavior. Expanding he integrative theme in this edition, KNC highlights social psychology as the ultimate bridge discipline-connectingthe different findings and theories of social psychology, exploring the field's links to other areas of psychology (e.g., clinical, organizational, and neuroscience), and bridging to other important academic disciplines (e.g., anthropology, biology, economics, medicine, and law). Opening mysteries: Each chapter begins with a mystery, designed not only to grab student interest, but also to organize the ensuing discussion of scientific research: Why did the beautiful and talented artist Frida Kahlo fall for the much older, and much less attractive, Diego Rivera, and then tolerate his numerous extramarital affairs? What psychological forces led the Dalai Lama, the most exalted personage in Tibet, to forge a lifelong friendship with a foreign vagabond openly scorned by Tibetan peasants? Why would a boy falsely confess to murdering his own mother? The latest scholarship, engaging writing, engrossing real-world stories and the authors' strengths as renowned researchers and expert teachers, all come together to make the fifth edition of Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction an accessible and engaging read for students, while providing a modern and cohesive approach for their teachers. Check out the authors' website! www.knc5.com/Ad_PsychBRIEF TOC 1: Introduction to Social Psychology 2: The Person and the Situation 3: Social Cognition: Understanding Ourselves and Others 4: Presenting the Self 5: Attitudes and Persuasion 6: Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience 7: Affiliation and Friendship 8: Love and Romantic Relationships 9: Prosocial Behavior 10: Aggression 11: Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination 12: Groups 13: Social Dilemmas: Cooperation versus Conflict 14: Integrating Social Psychology COMPLETE TOC CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY The Mysteries of Social Life What Is Social Psychology? Social Psychology Is an Interdisciplinary Bridge Major Theoretical Perspectives of Social Psychology The Sociocultural Perspective The Evolutionary Perspective The Social Learning Perspective The Social Cognitive Perspective Combining Perspectives Basic Principles of Social Behavior Social Behavior Is Goal Oriented The Interaction between the Person and the Situation How Psychologists Study Social Behavior BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Why Good Theories Need Good Data Descriptive Methods Correlation and Causation Experimental Methods Why Social Psychologists Combine Different Methods Ethical Issues in Social Psychological Research Social Psychology's Bridges with Other Areas of Knowledge Social Psychology and Other Areas of Psychology Social Psychology and Other Disciplines Revisiting the Mysteries of Social Life Summary CHAPTER 2. THE PERSON AND THE SITUATION The Enigma of an Ordinary and Extraordinary Man The Person Motivation: What Drives Us Knowledge: Our View of the World Feelings: Attitudes, Emotions, and Moods BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Assessing Feelings Introducing the Self The Situation Persons as Situations: Mere Presence, Affordances, and Descriptive Norms BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Descriptive Norms, Pluralistic Ignorance, and Binge Drinking on Campus Rules: Injunctive Norms and Scripted Situations Strong versus Weak Situations Culture The Person and the Situation Interact Different Persons Respond Differently to the Same Situation BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Person-Situation Fit in the Workplace Situations Choose the Person Persons Choose Their Situations Different Situations Prime Different Parts of the Person Persons Change the Situation Situations Change the Person Revisiting the Enigma of an Ordinary and Extraordinary Man Summary CHAPTER 3. SOCIAL COGNITION: UNDERSTANDING OURSELVES AND OTHERS Portraits of Hillary Rodham Clinton The Social Thinker Four Core Processes of Social Cognition The Goals of Social Cognition Conserving Mental Effort Expectations BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Dispositional Inferences Other Cognitive Shortcuts: Heuristics Arousal and Circadian Rhythms Need for Structure Complex Situations and Time Pressure When the World Doesn't Fit Our Expectations Managing Self-Image Cognitive Strategies for Enhancing and Protecting the Self BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Control Beliefs and Health Self-Esteem Threats to Self-Esteem When Self-Esteem Is Fragile How Culturally Universal Is the Need for Positive Self-Regard? Seeking an Accurate Understanding Unbiased Information Gathering Considering Alternatives Attributional Logic: Seeking the Causes of Behavior Mood Need for Cognition Unexpected Events Social Interdependence Accuracy Motivation Requires Cognitive Resources Revisiting the Portraits of Hillary Rodham Clinton Summary CHAPTER 4. PRESENTING THE SELF The Amazing Lives of Fred Demara What Is Self-Presentation? Why Do People Self-Present? When Do People Self-Present? The Nature of Self-Presentation BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Detecting Deception Appearing Likable Strategies of Ingratiation BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: The Science of Deciphering Facial Expressions Gender and Ingratiation Potential Friends and Power-Holders Multiple Audiences Appearing Competent Strategies of Self-Promotion BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Paradox of Self-Handicapping Competence Motivation and Shyness When Competence Matters Competence Checks The Interpersonal Cycle of Self-Promotion Conveying Status and Power Strategies for Conveying Status and Power Gender, Status, and Power Threatened Images, New Resources Different Strategies for Different Audiences Revisiting the Amazing Lives of Fred Demara Summary CHAPTER 5. ATTITUDES AND PERSUASION The Changing Story of Peter Reilly The Nature of Attitudes Attitude Formation Attitude Strength Attitude-Behavior Consistency What Is Persuasion? Measuring Attitude Change BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: The After-Only Design Cognitive Responses: Self-Talk Persuades BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Smoking the Tobacco Companies with Counterarguments Dual Process Models of Persuasion: Two Routes to Change The Goals of Persuasion: Why People Change Their Attitudes and Beliefs Having an Accurate View of the World Good Shortcuts to Accuracy What Affects the Desire for Accuracy? BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Defeating Defensiveness and Denial Being Consistent in One's Attitudes and Actions Balance Theory Cognitive Dissonance Theory What Affects the Desire for Cognitive Consistency? Consistency and Culture Gaining Social Approval Self-Monitoring Gender: Women, Men, and Persuasion The Expectation of Discussion and Self-Monitoring Self-Monitoring and the Expectation of Discussion Revisiting the Story of Peter Reilly Summary CHAPTER 6. SOCIAL INFLUENCE: CONFORMITY, COMPLIANCE, AND OBEDIENCE The Extraordinary Turnaround (and Around) of Steve Hassan Categories of Social Influence: Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience Conformity: Asch's Research on Group Influence Compliance: The "Foot-in-the-Door" Technique BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Participant Observation Obedience: Milgram's Shock(ing) Procedure The Goals of Social Influence Choosing Correctly: Yielding to Be Right Authority Social Validation BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Contagious Delusions and Solutions Consensus and Similarity Uncertainty Gaining Social Approval: Yielding to Be Likes Social Norms: Codes of Conduct What Personal Factors Affect the Impact of Social Approval? What Situational Factors Affect the Impact of Social Approval? Who's Strong Enough to Resist Strong Group Norms? BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Doing Wrong by Trying to Do Right Managing Self-Image: Yielding to Be Consistent Commitment-Initiating Tactics Harnessing Existing Commitments Active and Public Commitments Gender and Public Conformity Revisiting the Turnaround of Steve Hassan Summary CHAPTER 7. AFFILIATION AND FRIENDSHIP The Fugitive Who Befriended the God-King What Is a Friend? Studying Real-Life Relationships BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Studying Intimate Relationships without Really Being There Goals of Affiliation and Friendship Getting Social Support BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Health Psychology and Emotional Support Do Women Tend and Befriend While Men Fight or Take Flight? Threats: Why Misery (Sometimes) Loves Company Pushing Support Away BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Loneliness and Depression Attachment and Social Development Getting Information Social Comparison and Liking for Similar Others Self-Disclosers and Nondisclosers Uncertainty about Important Issues Similarity to Us When Dissimilarity Can Save Self-Esteem Gaining Status Men's Friendships Are More Hierarchical Status by Association Men's Status-Seeking May Erode Social Support Exchanging Material Benefits Fundamental Patterns of Social Exchange Individual Differences in Communal Orientation Communal and Exchange Relationships Proximity and Social Capital Distant Friends: Television, Facebook, and the Internet Are Exchange Relationships Different in Western and Non-Western Cultures? Revisiting the Fugitive Who Befriended the God-King Summary CHAPTER 8. LOVE AND ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS The Love Affair of "The Elephant and the Dove" Defining Love and Romantic Attraction The Defining Features of Love BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Uncovering the Different Factors of Love Are There Different Varieties of Love? The Goals of Romantic Relationships Obtaining Sexual Gratification Who's Sexually Attractive? Gender Differences in Sexuality Hormones and Sexual Desire Sociosexual Orientation Homosexual and Bisexual Attraction Arousing Settings Sexual Situations Look Different to Men and Women Cultural Norms about Sexuality Cultural Practices May Trick Evolved Mechanisms Establishing Family Bonds The Importance of Attachment Attachment Style Exchange/Communal Orientation Threats Magnify Attachment BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Obsessive Relationships and Unrequited Love Jealousy and Same-Sex Competitors Relationships Change Our Personalities Gaining Resources and Social Status Gender and Sexual Orientation Culture, Resources, and Polygamy Social Exchange in Committed Relationships When Dominance Matters Breaking Up (and Staying Together) Some People Are Better at Getting Along Some Situations Pull Couples Apart Interactions: It Takes Two to Tango BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Studying Healthy Communication to Save Marriages Revisiting the Love Affair of "The Elephant and the Dove" Summary CHAPTER 9. PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR The Strange Case of Sempo Sugihara The Goals of Prosocial Behavior Improving Our Basic Welfare: Gaining Genetic and Material Benefits Insights into the Evolution of Help BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Using Behavioral Genetics to Study Helping Learning to Help Similarity and Familiarity BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Getting Help by Adjusting the Helper's Sense of "We" Gaining Social Status and Approval Social Responsibility: The Helping Norm Desire for Approval Effects of Those around Us Gender and Help Managing Self-Image Personal Norms and Religious Codes Labeling and Self-Focus Deciding Not to Help Friends or to Seek Their Help BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Failing to Seek Needed Help Managing Our Emotions and Moods Managing Emotional Arousal in Emergencies: The Arousal/Cost-Reward Model Managing Mood in Nonemergencies: The Negative State Relief Model Does Pure Altruism Exist? The Empathy-Altruism Sequence An Egoistic Interpretation Revisiting the Case of Sempo Sugihara Summary 10. AGGRESSION A Wave of Senseless Violence What Is Aggression? Different Types of Aggression Gender Differences in Aggression May Depend on Your Definition The Goals of Aggressive Behavior Coping with Feelings of Annoyance The Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis Feelings of Arousal and Irritability Unpleasant Situations Annoyance Leads to Changes in Perception of Situations Some People Create Their Own Annoying Situations Gaining Material and Social Rewards BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: Gangland Violence Social Learning Theory: Rewarding Violence Who Finds Rewards in Violence? Glamorized Violence in the Media BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Using Meta-Analysis to Examine the Effects of Violent Media Violent Media Magnify Violent Inclinations Gaining or Maintaining Social Status Aggression and Sexual Selection Sex and Testosterone Insults and the Culture of Honor When Status Matters Protecting Oneself or Others Self-Defenders Perceived Threats Self-Protective Aggression Can Increase Danger Reducing Violence Rewarding Alternatives to Aggression BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Using Cognition to Manage Angry Arousal Legal Punishments Prevention by Removing Threats Revisiting Senseless Violence Summary CHAPTER 11. PREJUDICE, STEREOTYPING, AND DISCRIMINATION The Unlikely Journey of Ann Atwater and C. P. Ellis Planet Prejudice Prejudice and Stereotypes Discrimination The Costs of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination The Goals of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Supporting and Protecting One's Group Creating and Maintaining Ingroup Advantage Social Dominance Orientation Intergroup Competition The Self-Fulfilling Spiral of Intergroup Competition Seeking Social Approval Religiosity and Prejudice Prejudice Norms Change Over Time Perceived Social Standing and Prejudice Expression Managing Self-Image Personal and Social Identities Ingroup Identification Authoritarianism and Prejudice BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Authoritarian Personality Failure and Self-Image Threat Self-Esteem and Threat Seeking Mental Efficiency The Characteristics of Efficient Stereotypes BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: The Social Neuroscience of Automatic and Controlled Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Need for Structure Moods and Emotions Cognitively Taxing Circumstances Overheard Ethnic Slurs Reducing Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Interventions Based on the Ignorance Hypothesis The Goal-Based Approach When Contact Helps BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Cooperation in the Classroom Revisiting the Journey of Ann Atwater and C. P. Ellis Summary CHAPTER 12. GROUPS Blowing the Whistle on Hidden Group Pathologies The Nature of Groups The Mere Presence of Others and Social Facilitation Crowds and Deindividuation Groups as Dynamic Systems: The Emergence of Norms BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Using Computer Simulation to Explore Complex Group Processes "Real" Groups Why Do People Belong to Groups? Getting Things Done Lightening the Load, Dividing the Labor BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Social Disease of Social Loafing Expectations of Individual Failure and Group Success Current Needs, Individualistic Societies When Are Groups Most Productive? Making Accurate Decisions The Need to Know Uncertain Circumstances Discussion and Decision Making BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Majority and Minority Influence in the Jury Room Gaining Positions of Leadership Who Wants to Lead? When Opportunity Knocks Who Gets to Lead? When Are Leaders Effective? Revisiting the Revealed Pathologies of the FBI, Enron, and WorldCom Summary CHAPTER 13. SOCIAL DILEMMAS: COOPERATION VERSUS CONFLICT Contrasting Future Worlds Defining Social Dilemmas BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Tragedy of the Commons Interlocking Problems and Solutions What Goals Underlie Global Social Dilemmas? Gaining Immediate Satisfaction Social Traps Egoistic versus Prosocial Orientations Distinguishing Different Value Orientations Changing the Consequences of Short-Sighted Selfishness Matching Interventions with Motives Defending Ourselves and Valued Others Outgroup Bias and International Conflict Some of Us Are More Defensive Than Others Competition and Threat BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Time-Series Analysis and International Cooperation Intercultural Misperception and International Conflict The Reciprocal Dynamics of Cooperation and Conflict BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Increasing Intergroup Cooperation with the GRIT Strategy Revisiting the Future Summary CHAPTER 14. INTEGRATING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Public Spectacles, Hidden Conspiracies, and Multiple Motives What Ground Have We Covered? Findings and Theories Major Theoretical Perspectives of Social Psychology The Sociocultural Perspective The Evolutionary Perspective The Social Learning Perspective The Social Cognitive Perspective Are Gender Differences in Our Genes, in Our Cultural Learning Experiences, or All in Our Minds? Combining the Different Perspectives Social Behavior Is Goal Oriented BRIDGING FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION: The Thin Line between Normal and Abnormal Social Functioning The Interaction between the Person and the Situation Why Research Methods Matter BRIDGING METHOD AND EVIDENCE: Some Conclusions for Consumers of Social Science Information How Does Social Psychology Fit into the Network of Knowledge? BRIDGING THEORY AND APPLICATION: Social Psychology's Usefulness for Business, Medicine, and Law The Future of Social Psychology Summary

Szczegóły: Social Psychology - Robert Cialdini, Steven Neuberg, Douglas Kenrick

Tytuł: Social Psychology
Autor: Robert Cialdini, Steven Neuberg, Douglas Kenrick
Producent: Pearson
ISBN: 9781292027807
Rok produkcji: 2013
Ilość stron: 584
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 1.06 kg

Recenzje: Social Psychology - Robert Cialdini, Steven Neuberg, Douglas Kenrick

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