Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men Which Assembled in the City of Washington, May 7, 1832 (Classic Reprint)


Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men
Which Assembled in the City of Washington, May 7, 1832 (Classic Reprint)

  • Wydawnictwo: FB &c Ltd
  • EAN: 9781331398417
  • Ilość stron: 28
  • Format: 15.2x22.9cm
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men - Men National Republican Convention of Y

Excerpt from Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men: Which Assembled in the City of Washington, May 7, 1832

I am convinced, gentlemen, that no personal merit of mine has elicited this appointment, but that it has been conferred on the State which I in part have the honor to represent. Bringing with me to this station but little more than the will to dedicate my best exertions to its duties, and being but slightly conversant with parliamentary rules, I should have shrunk with self-distrust from the task, were I not sustained by the hope, that the generosity which prompted your choice will not be withheld, but that your liberal indulgence and co-operation will be extended to me, and that, over the errors I may commit, in discharge of the arduous and multiform duties of this station, the broad mantle of your forbearance and charity will be thrown.

Deeply penetrated with the importance of this Convention, and viewing it as auspicious of the safety and permanency of our free institutions, I am convinced that that indulgence and good feeling the Chair invokes for itself will be extended to all its members. In an assembly like the present - so numerous, so patriotic, and so talented - the necessity of harmony and order, to give efficacy to our proceedings, must be apparent.

The eyes, gentlemen, of the whole nation are upon you and your deliberations; and I am sure that nothing will characterize them but zeal, concert, and union. Coming, as you do, warm from the bosom of your constituents - from the North, the South, the East, and the West - animated by one motive, and determined to

promote one great object, I trust that no sectional feelings will distract your dejberations, but that all interests will be merged in the great interest of the National Republican party.

Proceeding, therefore, with this concert of action and intensity of purpose, we shall discharge our duties with honor to our constituents and ourselves, and diffuse, from this common centre, throughout this widely extended confederacy, an influence and opinions worthy the great cause that has brought us together.

The members being then called, more than three hundred delegates answered to their names.

[The names of all the delegates, together with their post offices, as far as ascertained, will be found at the close of the proceedings of the Convention.]

On motion of Mr. Semmes of Maryland, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be presented to Zaccheus Collins Lee, Esq. of Washington, for the ability and dignity with which he has presided over the deliberations of the Convention, as President pro tern. And also, to James Barbour, jun. of Virginia, for the ability with which he discharged his duties as Secretary protem.

On motion of Mr. Duer, of New York, it was

Resolved, That a committee be appointed, to consist of five members, whose duty it shall be to report to this Convention, what subjects, in their opinion, it may be proper and expedient for this Convention to consider, and the best and most convenient mode of considering the same. And that said committee further report, such rules and regulations, if any, as they may deem necessary govern the proceedings of the Convention.

The following gentlemen were appointed to constitute said committee.

Mr. Duer, of New York, Mr. Hunter, of Virginia, Mr. Piatt, of Ohio, Mr. Coale, of Maryland, Mr. Little, of Pennsylvania.

On motion of Mr. Cumming of Ohio, it was

Resolved, That, from and after this day, this Convention will assemble twice a day. The hour for assembling in the morning to be nine o'clock, and the hour of adjournment eleven o'clock. The hour for assembling in the afternoon to be four o'clock, and the hour of adjournment for the day to be determined by the convention.

And the Convention adjourned.

The Convention again assembled, and after prayer by the Revere

Szczegóły: Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men - Men National Republican Convention of Y

Nazwa: Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men Which Assembled in the City of Washington, May 7, 1832 (Classic Reprint)
Autor: Men National Republican Convention of Y
Wydawnictwo: FB &c Ltd
Kod paskowy: 9781331398417
Języki: angielski
Ilość stron: 28
Format: 15.2x22.9cm
Oprawa: Miękka

Recenzje: Proceedings of the National Republican Convention of Young Men - Men National Republican Convention of Y

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