Istorioare Cu Cosite


Istorioare Cu Cosite

  • Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
  • EAN: 9786069327999
  • Ilość stron: 132
  • Format: 12.7x20.3cm
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Opis: Istorioare Cu Cosite - Popescu Sinziana

This volume of tales for children and their nostalgic parents (longing for the Transylvanian folk tale characters of their childhood) is written in Romanian.

If you have read the first three novels of the Andilandi series, you must surely wonder what is happening with the mythical beings of the Other Realm when the children are not crossing their world. Most certainly you may be curious to discover how the creatures of the Mistress Bird's land live their lives and what is their life expectancy; who they love, fight or what they normally do throughout the day.

The following Stories from the Andilandi's Realm are couched to quench your curiosity. Among the countless stories of the Other Realm, the author picked only the most important ones and assembled them into an anthology of three more books. This first book, called "Plaited hair histories", includes five stories about the Fairies of the Other Realm: "The tale of the Water Sprite that loved violets", "When the tiniest Fairy in the World grew up", "Playing Zmei Lords and Meek People", "A day in the life of a Lady" and "St. John's Fairies and the Smoke Castle form the Living Lea". If you like them, be excited and prepared for the next two books of Stories from the Andilandi's Realm: "Chain mail quests", about the most fearsome warriors of the land; and "Winged adventures", featuring the magical creatures from the Other Realm.

Written by Sinziana Popescu, the Stories from the Andilandi's Realm are beautifully illustrated by artist Ciresica Litinschi. We can only wish you'll enjoy reading them!


Daca deja ai citit primele trei romane ale seriei Andilandi, cu siguranta te ntrebi ce se ntmpla cu fiintele Celuilalt Tarm atunci cnd copiii nu trec pe acolo. Precis esti curios sa afli cum si ct traiesc creaturile din Tinutul Pasarii Maiestre, pe cine ndragesc, cu cine se lupta sau cu ce se ndeletnicesc n mod obisnuit, ct e ziulica de lunga.

Acest volum de Povesti din Tarmul lui Andilandi e menit sa ti satisfaca curiozitatea. Din nenumaratele povesti ale Celuilalt Tarm, autoarea le-a ales pe cele mai nsemnate si le-a grupat pentru tine n trei volume. Primul, numit Istorioare cu cosite, include cinci povesti despre Znele Celuilalt Tarm: "Povestea Vlvei care iubea violetele", "Cea mai mica Zna din lume creste mare", "De-a Zmeii si Blajinii", "O zi din viata unei Doamne" si "Snzienele si Castelul de Fum din Poiana Vie". Daca ti vor placea, fii pregatit sa cauti si urmatoarele doua volume de Povesti din Tarmul lui Andilandi - Peripetii cu zale, despre cei mai de temut razboinici ai tinutului, si Aventuri cu aripi, despre animalele vrajite din Celalalt Tarm.

Povestile din Tarmul lui Andilandi, scrise de Snziana Popescu, sunt nzestrate cu multe ilustratii frumoase semnate de Ciresica Litinschi. n speranta ca vei ndragi povestile noastre, nu ne mai ramne dect sa ti uram lectura placuta!

Szczegóły: Istorioare Cu Cosite - Popescu Sinziana

Nazwa: Istorioare Cu Cosite
Autor: Popescu Sinziana
Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
Kod paskowy: 9786069327999
Języki: rumuński
Ilość stron: 132
Format: 12.7x20.3cm

Recenzje: Istorioare Cu Cosite - Popescu Sinziana

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