Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie


Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie

  • Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
  • EAN: 9786069327920
  • Ilość stron: 284
  • Format: 12.7x20.3cm
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Opis: Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie - Popescu Sinziana

Note: This fantasy for children and their nostalgic parents (longing for the Transylvanian folk tales characters of their childhood) is written in Romanian.

Do you remember "Vlad's Journey into The Other Realm" Ten years have passed since then and The Other Realm is different now. New borders, new kings. The Dragons have more heads, but less power. The Dame Fairies have gotten older. The Meek People are hiding. The Dog-heads have lost the war and Aram's daughters are ruling the place.

A perfect time for a new adventure to begin. The friends are the same. The enemies are many more. The carrier is not alone, but there are two of them.

The second volume of the "Andilandi" series presents the adventures of Andrei and Lucia into the Other Realm. Their mission is to bring back Andilandi from the Saint John Fairies to the Fairy Godmothers. Along their path they will meet not only our old friends form the first book, but other dearly beloved characters from the Romanian folk tales: two Dwarf clans, several Bird-Fairies and Lake Spirits, some deceptive Fireflies and so on...

You'd better learn from their mistakes because you never know when Andilandi will put yourself on a trial.


Iti mai amintesti de Calatoria lui Vlad in Celalalt Taram De atunci au trecut zece ani, iar Celalalt Taram s-a schimbat. Granitele s-au rearanjat, carmuitorii sunt acum... altii. Nu se mai nasc decat Balauri de rand", cu mai multe capete, dar mai putina putere. Ielele au imbatranit, Blajinii se ascund, Capcanii au pierdut razboiul, iar Zmeii, mai puternici ca niciodata, parjolesc totul in calea lor.

Acesta e momentul cand o noua aventura e pe cale sa inceapa. Prietenii Aceiasi. Dusmanii Cu mult mai multi. Carausul Nu este singur, ci sunt... doi.

Cel de-al doilea volum al seriei Andilandi" iti prezinta peripetiile gemenilor Andrei si Lucia in Celalalt Taram. In misiunea lor de a o duce pe Andilandi de la Sanziene la Ursitoare, pe langa personajele binecunoscute ale primului volum, Carausii se vor mai intalni si cu clanurile asuprite ale Piticilor, cu Statu-Palma-Barba-Cot si al sau Iepure Schiop, cu Zanele-pasari si Valvele-baltii, cu Licuricii si cu multe alte figuri deosebite ale mitologiei romanesti.

Invata din greselile lor. Nu se stie niciodata cand Andilandi te va pune la incercare si pe tine...

Szczegóły: Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie - Popescu Sinziana

Nazwa: Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie
Autor: Popescu Sinziana
Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
Kod paskowy: 9786069327920
Języki: rumuński
Ilość stron: 284
Format: 12.7x20.3cm

Recenzje: Aventura Gemenilor Dincolo de Poiana Vie - Popescu Sinziana

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