The Obsidian Mirror


The Obsidian Mirror

  • Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
  • EAN: 9781626819146
  • Ilość stron: 318
  • Format: 14.0x21.6cm
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Opis: The Obsidian Mirror - Keenan K.D.

"A riveting blend of ancient myth and modern intrigue. Supernatural thrills, corporate espionage and great characters make for a thrill-ride read!" -Gail Z. Martin, author of REIGN OF ASH

Who says old gods can't learn new tricks

When Sierra Carter, out-of-work PR executive, receives a call from Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent god of the Aztecs, she doesn't know why she has to be the one to save the world.

She discovers that her former firm's semiconductors are in reality a means of spreading a deadly evil around the world. Necocyaotl, Aztec god of death and destruction, has placed his essence in every device, causing people to place their self-interest and selfish desires above all else. If she's going to stop him, however, she'll need some help.

Chaco, also known as Coyotl the Trickster, is a handsome young man when he isn't being a coyote-and an excellent cook. Fred the mannegishi has the gift of disappearing at will. Rose, a Native American shaman, teaches Sierra how to develop her inner powers. Kaylee, a marketing manager, is also a practitioner of Voudon. And Clancy Forrester, chief of security for Sierra's former employer, reluctantly enters the fray.

Necocyaotl's team is playing for keeps, and the evil god brings an ice demons, dark spirits, and assorted monsters into the game to bolster his more human henchmen and -women. Sierra and her friends constantly find themselves on the precipice of disaster, with the fate of the world depending on keeping defeat from being snatched from the very pointy jaws of victory.

Sharp and funny, K.D. Keenan has inherited the mantle of stalwarts like Douglas Adams, and THE OBSIDIAN MIRROR is a masterpiece of thrills for every fantasy reader.

Szczegóły: The Obsidian Mirror - Keenan K.D.

Nazwa: The Obsidian Mirror
Autor: Keenan K.D.
Wydawnictwo: Inwestycje
Kod paskowy: 9781626819146
Języki: angielski
Ilość stron: 318
Format: 14.0x21.6cm

Recenzje: The Obsidian Mirror - Keenan K.D.

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