Christmas Puzzles Pad


Christmas Puzzles Pad

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Cena 30,90 PLN
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Opis: Christmas Puzzles Pad - Simon Tudhope

Stuffed with snowmen, reindeer, mistletoe and more, this exciting activity book contains over 100 puzzles to keep children busy during the lead up to Christmas. Puzzles include a Christmas present wordsearch, an ice palace maze, a festive quiz and much more. All the answers are at the back of the book.

Szczegóły: Christmas Puzzles Pad - Simon Tudhope

Nazwa: Christmas Puzzles Pad
Autor: Simon Tudhope
Wydawnictwo: Usborne Publishing Ltd
Kod paskowy: 9781474937474
Ilość stron: 150
Format: 19.5x25 cm
Waga: 0.3 kg

Recenzje: Christmas Puzzles Pad - Simon Tudhope

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Inne pozycje tego autora: Simon Tudhope (1)