Subject Librarians
Subject Librarians
- Producent: Ashgate Publishing Company
- Rok produkcji: 2006
- ISBN: 9780754640950
- Ilość stron: 174
- Oprawa: Twarda
Opis: Subject Librarians - Dale
The university subject librarians' role is at the centre of new models of teaching and learning, yet further debate and published contributions are still needed to shape its future direction. "Subject Librarians: Engaging with the Learning and Teaching Environment" assesses trends and challenges in current practice, and aims to encourage renewed thinking and improved approaches. Its editors and authors include experienced practitioners and academics. At a time of great change and increasing challenges in higher education, this book offers directors of academic services, library managers, librarians and lecturers a chance to reflect on the key issues and consider the needs of the learning community. "Subject Librarians: Engaging with the Learning and Teaching Environment" also provides a perspective on current practice and a reference source for students of Information Management and Information Studies.Foreword, Sally Brown; Editors' introduction, Penny Dale, Matt Holland and Marian Matthews; The Subject Specialist in Higher Education: The subject specialist in higher education - a review of the literature, Margaret Feetham; Professional engagement - the subject specialist in higher education, Penny Dale, Maggie Leharne, Trudi Knight and Kate Marshall; Quality assurance, quality enhancement, Jill Beard; Learning and teaching, Kerry Shephard; Relating to further education - partners and franchises, Jane Ryland; Virtual learning environments, Marian Matthews; Changing relationships in the university, Kerry Shephard and Marian Matthews; Serving Different Constituencies: Serving different constituencies: undergraduates, Jenny Campbell and Pete Maggs; Serving different constituencies: asynchronous learners, Janet Peters; Serving different constituencies: researchers, Matt Holland; Serving different constituencies: international students, Frank Trew; International Perspectives: A review of international trends in library faculty support in higher education: a special focus on Southern African university libraries, Buhle Mbambo; Conclusion: Conclusion, Penny Dale, Matt Holland and Marian Matthews; List of Figures: Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model; Map of Southern Africa showing all Southern African Development Community countries; Index.
Szczegóły: Subject Librarians - Dale
Tytuł: Subject Librarians
Autor: Dale
Producent: Ashgate Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780754640950
Rok produkcji: 2006
Ilość stron: 174
Oprawa: Twarda
Recenzje: Subject Librarians - Dale
Inne pozycje tego autora: Dale (20)
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- Poza wiarą. (Czarna Owca) - Miękka
- Jak przestać się martwić i zacząć żyć (Studio Emka) - Miękka
- Jak zdobyć przyjaciół i zjednać sobie ludzi (Studio Emka) - Miękka
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- Jak sprzedawać, żeby chcieli kupować (Onepress) - Miękka
- Jak stać się doskonałym mówcą i rozmówcą. Po szczeblach słowa (Studio Emka) - Miękka
- Jak wieść wspaniałe życie i cieszyć się każdym dniem (Sensus) - Miękka
- Dinosłużba ratuje Boże Narodzenie (wersja ukraińska) (ARTBOOKS) - twarda
- Jak zdobyć przyjaciół i zjednać sobie ludzi (wydanie ekskluzywne) (Studio Emka) - oprawa twarda
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- Jak zdobyć przyjaciół i zjednać sobie ludzi dla nastolatek (Studio Emka) - Miękka