Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security
S Stec
Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security
S Stec
- Producent: Springer Verlag
- Rok produkcji: 2009
- ISBN: 9781402094521
- Ilość stron: 480
- Oprawa: Miękka
Opis: Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security - S Stec
The thirst for energy and the need to manage environmental impacts arising from the carbon economy are urgent issues facing this and future generations. The environment and security nexus provide an essential perspective for meeting energy and other challenges to security arising from climate change, conflicts, and economic transition. As Norman Myers succinctly pointed out, wars have already been fought over water and energy; and deforestation, soil erosion, desertification, over-fishing, and a host of other environmental problems are linked with conflict everywhere. Yet the capacity of humans to reach across boundaries and cooperate on the environment also gives us hope that solutions to environment and security problems can be found. This volume presents the outcome of a unique meeting that took place in November 2007 in the Hungarian Parliament, when scientists from NATO member and partner countries met with members of parliament from two committees of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Penetrating contributions in this volume address an array of issues integral to energy, the environment and security, including environmental refugees, the viability of nuclear power, the biofuels misstep, and geopolitical aspects of global energy security, among others - issues that will be with us for many years to come.Introduction. Notes on Contributors. Energy Security for the Euro-Atlantic Region; M. and Avizius. -Environment, Security, and Development Challenges in the 2lstCentury; B. Slay.- Key Note Address. Environmental Security Concerns: Sources; N. Myers.-Post-Conflict Environmental Challenges. Post-conflict environmental health risk: the role of risk analysis in foreign policy; Ch. M. Briggs.- A Treaty for a Southeast European Energy Community; A. Mihajlov.- Natural Resources Management in the Absence of the Rule of Law: a Case Study from Bosnia and Herzegovina; L. Tilney. Kosovo-Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security; N. Hakaj.- Transboundary Environmental Challenges. Multinational Approaches: A Tool for the Prevention and Reduction of the Risks of Nuclear Energy; A. Khlopkov.- The Security-Environment Nexus along the Czech-Austrian Border: Theory, Spatiality and Perception; N. Hynek and A. Hynek.- Regional Security and International Legal Regulation of Water Protection and Use - the Case of Serbia; D. Todic and V. Vukasovic.- The International Community's Approach To Environmental Security Challenges. International Organizations' Cooperation around Environment and Security; F. Borthwick.- Countering Threats to Environmental Security: The Role of NATO; J. McQuaid and A. Vincze.- Transatlantic Energy Security. Dependence on Middle East Energy and Its Impact on Global Security; G. Luft. - Bulgarian Energetics Management and Environmental Security; P. Gramatikov. - Security concerns in the Middle East for oil supply: Problems and solutions; K. Marafi.- Energy Security and the Environment in Eastern Europe: The Case Study of Ukraine; D. Milstein and A. Cherp.- Ecologically Friendly Utilization of Coal Processing Waste as a Secondary Energy Source; S. Boruk and I. Winkler. -Modern Technologies in New Lignite Power Plants in Kosovo and Their Impact on Energy and Environmental Security; I. Krasniqi.- Climate Change. Can Energy Technologies provide Energy Security and Climate Change Mitigation?; R. E. H. Sims. - Kyoto and Beyond: Can Europe and the United States Find Common Ground on Meeting the Challenge?; Ambassador A. H. Foley. -Scenarios of Environmental Change and Migration A. Vag.- Security of the energy sector in Albania in the face of climate change; E. Fida et al. - Small Hydropower Resources and Prospects of Small Hydropower Electric Plants in the Near-Border Regions of Ukraine; I. Winkler.- The risks of using renewable energies; B. Rabi. - Environmental Performance. Stochastic Simulation as an Instrument for Technological Systems Environmental Performance; L. Zahvoyska. -Integrated Management and Environmental Clean-up of Contaminated Areas Around the Industrial Areas of Elbasani in Albania; F. Sallaku et al. - Environmental Risk Assessment of a Textile Factory in Turkey; M. Mungan and U. Yetis.- Annexes. Agenda of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security". List of Abbreviations. Full List of Participants. Addresses of Contributors. Subject Index.
Szczegóły: Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security - S Stec
Tytuł: Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security
Autor: S Stec
Producent: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 9781402094521
Rok produkcji: 2009
Ilość stron: 480
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 1.49 kg
Recenzje: Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security - S Stec
Inne pozycje tego autora: S Stec (20)
- Bimber (SEMPER) - Miękka
- Prawo łowieckie (Bellona) - Miękka
- Miraż (Narodowe Centrum Kultury) - Twarda
- Zielone dachy i ściany (KaBe) - Miękka
- Oswoić afazję. Terapia pacjenta. Terapia pacjenta z zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych. Zeszyt 5 (WiR) -
- Oswoić afazję. Terapia pacjenta. Terapia pacjenta z zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych. Zeszyt 4 (WiR) -
- Oswoić afazję. Terapia pacjenta z zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych. Zeszyt 3 (WiR) -
- Oswoić afazję. Terapia pacjenta z zaburzeniami funkcji poznawczych. Zeszyt 2 (WiR) -
- Zaklinaczka motyli (Replika) - Miękka
- Prawo gospodarcze prywatne. Podstawowe instytucje (C. H. Beck) - Miękka
- Muhomorki pani Mariorki czy burczymuchy innych pań (Księgarnia Akademicka) - Miękka
- Proza poetycka. Pentalogia (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego) - Twarda
- Najpierw oddech. Eseje, recenzje, szkice (Universitas) - Miękka ze skrzydełkami
- Dla szczęścia. Złote runo. Goście. Matka. Śnieg. Dzieła literackie. Edycja krytyczna. Tom 8 (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego) - Twarda
- Materiał ludzki (Prószyński Media) - Miękka
- Białe kłamstwa (Prószyński Media) - Miękka
- Moc obietnic (Prószyński i S-ka) - Miękka
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- Ćwiczenia funkcji poznawczych. Zabawy słowne (WiR) -
- Ćwiczenia funkcji poznawczych. Czasowniki.. (WiR) -