Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android)

Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android)

  • Producent: Sams Publishing
  • Rok produkcji: 2012
  • ISBN: 9780672335747
  • Ilość stron: 720
  • Oprawa: Miękka
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Opis: Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android) - Rogers Cadenhead

Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days Covering Java 7 and Android App Development Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days continues to be one of the most popular, best-selling Java tutorials on the market. Written by an expert technical writer, it has been acclaimed for its clear and personable writing, for its extensive use of examples, and for its logical and complete organization. The sixth edition of Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days adds coverage of Java 7 and places a special emphasis on Android programming, capitalizing on the fastest-growing area of Java programming. There will be a new chapter on Android development and additional material where appropriate throughout the book. This edition also includes new material on using NetBeans, the free integrated IDE for Java. No previous programming experience required. By following the 21 carefully organized lessons in this book, anyone can learn the basics of Java programming. Learn at your own pace. You can work through each chapter sequentially to make sure you thoroughly understand all the concepts and methodologies, or you can focus on specific lessons to learn the techniques that interest you most. ' Test your knowledge. Each chapter ends with a Workshop section filled with questions, answers, and exercises for further study. There are even certification practice questions. * Completely revised, updated, and expanded to cover the latest features of Java 7* Learn to develop standalone Java applications, Android apps, and Java Web Start applications* Easy-to-understand, practical examples clearly illustrate the fundamentals of Java programming* Discover how Swing can help you quickly develop programs with a graphical user interface* Find out about JDBC 4.1 programming with the Java DB database and XML parsing with the open source XOM class library* Covers new features of Java 7 such as improved try-catch exception handling, the new switch, and Nimbus look and feelIntroduction 1 WEEK 1: The Java Language 7 1 Getting Started with Java 9 The Java Language 10 History of the Language 10 Introduction to Java 11 Selecting a Development Tool 12 Object-Oriented Programming 13 Objects and Classes 14 Attributes and Behavior 17 Attributes of a Class of Objects 17 Behavior of a Class of Objects 18 Creating a Class 19 Running the Program 23 Organizing Classes and Class Behavior 25 Inheritance Creating a Class Hierarchy 27 Inheritance in Action 29 Interfaces 31 Packages 32 Summary 32 Q&A Quiz 34 Questions 34 Certification Practice 34 Exercises 35 2 The ABCs of Programming 37 Statements and Expressions 38 Variables and Data Types 38 Creating Variables 39 Naming Variables 40 Variable Types 41 Assigning Values to Variables 43 Constants 43 Comments 45 Literals 46 Number Literals 47 Boolean Literals 48 Character Literals 49 String Literals 50 Expressions and Operators 51 Arithmetic 51 More About Assignment 53 Incrementing and Decrementing 54 Comparisons 56 Logical Operators 57 Operator Precedence 58 String Arithmetic 60 Summary 61 Q&A 62 Quiz 62 Questions 62 Certification Practice 63 Exercises 63 3 Working with Objects 65 Creating New Objects 66 Using new 66 How Objects Are Constructed 68 A Note on Memory Management 69 Using Class and Instance Variables 70 Getting Values 70 Setting Values 70 Class Variables 72 Calling Methods 73 Formatting Strings 75 Nesting Method Calls 75 Class Methods 76 References to Objects 77 Casting Objects and Primitive Types 79 Casting Primitive Types 80 Casting Objects 81 Converting Primitive Types to Objects and Vice Versa 83 Comparing Object Values and Classes 84 Comparing Objects 85 Determining the Class of an Object 87 Summary 87 Q&A 88 Quiz 88 Questions 89 Certification Practice 89 Exercises 90 4 Lists, Logic, and Loops 91 Arrays 92 Declaring Array Variables 92 Creating Array Objects 93 Accessing Array Elements 94 Changing Array Elements 95 Multidimensional Arrays 97 Block Statements 98 If Conditionals 99 Switch Conditionals 101 The Ternary Operator 107 For Loops 108 While and Do Loops 111 While Loops 111 Do-While Loops 113 Breaking Out of Loops 114 Labeled Loops 114 Summary 115 Q&A 115 Quiz 116 Questions 116 Certification Practice 117 Exercises 117 5 Creating Classes and Methods 119 Defining Classes 120 Creating Instance and Class Variables 120 Defining Instance Variables 120 Class Variables 121 Creating Methods 121 Defining Methods 122 The this Keyword 124 Variable Scope and Method Definitions 125 Passing Arguments to Methods 126 Class Methods 127 Creating Java Applications 129 Helper Classes 130 Java Applications and Command-Line Arguments 130 Passing Arguments to Java Applications 130 Handling Arguments in Your Java Application 131 Creating Methods with the Same Name 133 Constructors 136 Basic Constructors 137 Calling Another Constructor 138 Overloading Constructors 138 Overriding Methods 140 Creating Methods That Override Existing Methods 140 Calling the Original Method 142 Overriding Constructors 143 Summary 144 Q&A 145 Quiz 146 Questions 146 Certification Practice 146 Exercises 148 6 Packages, Interfaces, and Other Class Features 149 Modifiers 150 Access Control for Methods and Variables 151 Static Variables and Methods 157 Final Classes, Methods, and Variables 159 Variables 159 Methods 160 Classes 160 Abstract Classes and Methods 161 Packages 162 The import Declaration 163 Class Name Conflicts 165 Creating Your Own Packages 165 Picking a Package Name 165 Creating the Folder Structure 166 Adding a Class to a Package 166 Packages and Class Access Control 166 Interfaces 167 The Problem of Single Inheritance 167 Interfaces and Classes 168 Implementing and Using Interfaces 168 Implementing Multiple Interfaces 169 Other Uses of Interfaces 169 Creating and Extending Interfaces 170 New Interfaces 170 Methods Inside Interfaces 171 Extending Interfaces 172 Creating an Online Storefront 172 Inner Classes 179 Summary 181 Q&A 182 Quiz 183 Questions 183 Certification Practice 183 Exercises 185 7 Exceptions and Threads 187 Exceptions 188 Exception Classes 190 Managing Exceptions 191 Exception Consistency Checking 191 Protecting Code and Catching Exceptions 192 The finally Clause 195 Declaring Methods That Might Throw Exceptions 198 The throws Clause 199 Which Exceptions Should You Throw? 200 Passing on Exceptions 201 throws and Inheritance 202 Creating and Throwing Your Own Exceptions 203 Throwing Exceptions 203 Creating Your Own Exceptions 204 Combining throws, try, and throw 204 When and When Not to Use Exceptions 205 When to Use Exceptions 205 When Not to Use Exceptions 206 Bad Style Using Exceptions 206 Threads 207 Writing a Threaded Program 207 A Threaded Application 209 Stopping a Thread 214 Summary 215 Q&A 215 Quiz 217 Questions 217 Certification Practice 217 Exercises 218 WEEK 2: The Java Class Library 219 8 Data Structures 221 Moving Beyond Arrays 222 Java Structures 222 Iterator 224 Bit Sets 225 Array Lists 228 Looping Through Data Structures 231 Stacks 233 Map 235 Hash Maps 236 Generics 241 Summary 245 Q&A 245 Quiz 246 Questions 246 Certification Practice 246 Exercises 247 9 Working with Swing 249 Creating an Application 250 Creating an Interface 251 Developing a Framework 254 Creating a Component 255 Adding Components to a Container 256 Working with Components 258 Image Icons 259 Labels 261 Text Fields 262 Text Areas 263 Scrolling Panes 265 Check Boxes and Radio Buttons 266 Combo Boxes 269 Lists 271 Summary 273 Q&A 273 Quiz 274 Questions 274 Certification Practice 274 Exercises 275 10 Building a Swing Interface 277 Swing Features 278 Standard Dialog Boxes 278 Using Dialog Boxes 283 Sliders 286 Scroll Panes 288 Toolbars 289 Progress Bars 292 Menus 295 Tabbed Panes 299 Summary 301 Q&A 301 Quiz 302 Questions 302 Certification Practice 303 Exercises 304 11 Arranging Components on a User Interface 305 Basic Interface Layout 306 Laying Out an Interface 306 Flow Layout 307 Box Layout 309 Grid Layout 311 Border Layout 314 Mixing Layout Managers 316 Card Layout 317 Using Card Layout in an Application 319 Grid Bag Layout 325 Designing the Grid 327 Creating the Grid 329 Cell Padding and Insets 334 Summary 335 Q&A 335 Quiz 336 Questions 336 Certification Practice 337 Exercises 338 12 Responding to User Input 339 Event Listeners 340 Setting Up Components 341 Event-Handling Methods 342 Working with Methods 345 Action Events 345 Focus Events 346 Item Events 349 Key Events 351 Mouse Events 352 Mouse Motion Events 352 Window Events 357 Using Adapter Classes 357 Using Inner Classes 359 Summary 362 Q&A 362 Quiz 363 Questions 363 Certification Practice 363 Exercises 365 13 Creating Java2D Graphics 367 The Graphics2D Class 368 The Graphics Coordinate System 369 Drawing Text 370 Improving Fonts and Graphics with Antialiasing 372 Finding Information About a Font 372 Color 375 Using Color Objects 375 Testing and Setting the Current Colors 376 Drawing Lines and Polygons 377 User and Device Coordinate Spaces 377 Specifying the Rendering Attributes 378 Creating Objects to Draw 381 Drawing Objects 384 Summary 387 Q&A 387 Quiz 388 Questions 388 Certification Practice 388 Exercises 389 14 Developing Swing Applications 391 Java Web Start 392 Using Java Web Start 395 Creating a JNLP File 396 Supporting Web Start on a Server 405 Additional JNLP Elements 406 Improving Performance with SwingWorker 408 Summary 413 Q&A 414 Quiz 414 Questions 414 Certification Practice 415 Exercises 416 WEEK 3: Java Programming 417 15 Working with Input and Output 419 Introduction to Streams 420 Using a Stream 420 Filtering a Stream 421 Handling Exceptions 421 Byte Streams 422 File Streams 422 Filtering a Stream 426 Byte Filters 427 Character Streams 436 Reading Text Files 436 Writing Text Files 439 Files and Paths 440 Summary 443 Q&A 443 Quiz 444 Questions 444 Certification Practice 445 Exercises 446 16 Serializing and Examining Objects 447 Object Serialization 448 Object Output Streams 449 Object Input Streams 452 Transient Variables 455 Checking an Object's Serialized Fields 456 Inspecting Classes and Methods with Reflection 457 Inspecting and Creating Classes 457 Working with Each Part of a Class 459 Inspecting a Class 461 Summary 463 Q&A 463 Quiz 464 Questions 464 Certification Practice 465 Exercises 465 17 Communicating Across the Internet 467 Networking in Java 468 Opening a Stream Over the Net 468 Sockets 473 Socket Servers 476 Testing the Server 479 The java.nio Package 481 Buffers 481 Channels 485 Summary 495 Q&A 496 Quiz 496 Questions 496 Certification Practice 497 Exercises 498 18 Accessing Databases with JDBC 4.1 and Derby 499 Java Database Connectivity 500 Database Drivers 501 Examining a Database 501 Reading Records from a Database 503 Writing Records to a Database 509 Moving Through Resultsets 516 Summary 517 Q&A 518 Quiz 518 Questions 518 Certification Practice 519 Exercises 519 19 Reading and Writing RSS Feeds 521 Using XML 522 Designing an XML Dialect 525 Processing XML with Java 526 Processing XML with XOM 526 Creating an XML Document 528 Modifying an XML Document 532 Formatting an XML Document 536 Evaluating XOM 538 Summary 540 Q&A 541 Quiz 542 Questions 542 Certification Practice. 542 Exercises 543 20 XML Web Services 545 Introduction to XML-RPC 546 Communicating with XML-RPC 547 Sending a Request 548 Responding to a Request 549 Choosing an XML-RPC Implementation 550 Using an XML-RPC Web Service 552 Creating an XML-RPC Web Service 555 Summary 560 Q&A 561 Quiz 561 Questions 561 Certification Practice 562 Exercises 563 21 Writing Android Apps for Java 565 The History of Android 566 Writing an Android App 567 Organizing an Android Project 569 Creating the Program 570 Using an Android Emulator 573 Creating a Debug Configuration 574 Running the App 575 Designing an Android App 577 Preparing Resources 578 Configuring a Manifest File 582 Designing the Graphical User Interface 582 Writing Code 585 Summary 591 Q&A 591 Quiz 592 Questions 592 Certification Practice 592 Exercises 592 Appendixes 593 A Using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment 595 B This Book's Website 603 C Setting Up an Android Development Environment 605 D Using the Java Development Kit 613 E Programming with the Java Development Kit 635 Quiz Answers 659

Szczegóły: Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android) - Rogers Cadenhead

Tytuł: Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android)
Autor: Rogers Cadenhead
Producent: Sams Publishing
ISBN: 9780672335747
Rok produkcji: 2012
Ilość stron: 720
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga: 1.12 kg

Recenzje: Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Covering Java 7 and Android) - Rogers Cadenhead

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