Operations Management II vols 4,5,6
B Bennett
Operations Management II vols 4,5,6
B Bennett
- Producent: SAGE Publications Ltd
- Rok produkcji: 2006
- ISBN: 9781412918916
- Ilość stron: 1083
- Oprawa: Twarda
Opis: Operations Management II vols 4,5,6 - B Bennett
These three volumes build on Volumes One to Three, they consider more specific aspects of Operations Management, including technology, important issues arising from the global business perspective and key concepts relating to innovation, knowledge management and improving the operations system. Papers are included on the following key areas: Volume Four: Technology and Operations Management Volume Five: International Operations, Networks and the Environmental Context Volume Six: Innovation, Knowledge and Operations ImprovementVolume Four: Technology and Operations Management PART ONE: STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Disruptive Technologies - Bower and Christensen Catching the Wave Technology and Corporate Governance - Lessons Learnt - Betz Strategic Technology Management Issues in Japanese Manufacturing Industry - Granstrand, Sjoelander and Alange PART TWO: TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING AND ROADMAPPING A Review of Selected Recent Advances in Technological Forecasting - Martino Technology Roadmapping - A Planning Framework for Evolution and Revolution - Phaal, Farrukh and Probert PART THREE: TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Technology Assessment - Eijndhoven Product or Process? Technology Assessment and Technology Policy in Europe - Smits, Leyton and Den Hertog New Concepts, New Goals, New Infrastructures PART FOUR: TECHNOLOGY VALUATION Traps, Pitfalls and Snares in the Valuation of Technology - Boer A New Method for Technology Valuation in Monetary Value - Park Procedure and Application PART FIVE: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Adapting Manufacturing Process for International Transfer - Grant and Gregory International Technology Transfer - Keller and Chinta Strategies for Success PART SIX: TECHNOLOGY SECURITY AND RISK Managing International Technology Transfer Risk - Cannice, Chen and Daniels A Case Analysis of U S High-Technology Firms in Asia Patent Protection, Limitation and the Mode of Technology Transfer - Fosfuri PART SEVEN: APPROPRIATE AND ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Designing for Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries - Wicklein The Globalization of Technology and Its Implications for Developing Countries - Archibugi and Pietrobelli Windows of Opportunity or Further Burden? PART EIGHT: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Unlocking the Potential of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies - Boyer et al Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Shepherd, McDermott and Stock Does More Radicalness Mean More Perceived Benefits? PART NINE: AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS Automation and Organizational Performance - Wong and Ngin The Case of Electronics Manufacturing Firms in Singapore PART TEN: FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS The Diffusion of Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Japan, Europe and the United States - Mansfield PART ELEVEN: RESPONSIVE PRODUCTION AND AGILE TECHNOLOGIES Technology... The Enabler for Tomorrow's Agile Enterprise - Young Market Responsive Manufacturing for the Automotive Supply Chain - Waller PART TWELVE: SERVICE TECHNOLOGIES Impact of Information Technology Management Practices on Customer Service - Karimi, Somers and Gupta Volume Five: International Operations, Networks and the Environmental Context PART ONE: INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Made in the World - Ferdows The Global Spread of Production The Internationalization Process of the Firm - A Model of Knowledge Development and Increasing Foreign Market Commitments - Johanson and Vahlne Barriers to the Management of International Operations - Klassen and Whybark PART TWO: INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTURING STRATEGY Mapping International Factory Networks - Ferdows PART THREE: INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS Globalization and Supply Chain Networks - Humphrey The Auto Industry in Brazil and India The Multinational Corporation as an Interorganizational Network - Ghoshal and Bartlett PART FOUR: TRADE THEORIES, TARIFFS AND THEIR EFFECT ON OPERATIONS DECISIONS The Eclectic Paradigm of International Production - Dunning A Restatement and Some Possible Extensions Theories of International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Firm Internationalization - Morgan and Katsikeas A Critique PART FIVE: SME INTERNATIONALIZATION Localized Capabilities and the Internationalization of Manufacturing Actvities by SMEs - Mariotti and Piscitello PART SIX: CULTURAL ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS Cultural Constraints in Management Theories - Hofstede PART SEVEN: E-OPERATIONS E-Business and Supply Chain Management - Johnson and Whang An Overview and Framework PART EIGHT: INTERNATIONAL OUTSOURCING Vertical Technology Transfer via International Outsourcing - Pack and Saggi Global Outsourcing and Its Managerial Implications - Chen and Lin PART NINE: VIRTUAL NETWORKS A Distributed Virtual Factory in Agile Manufacturing Environment - Fujii, Kaihara and Morita PART TEN: DEVELOPING COUNTRY ISSUES The Changing Pattern of Operations Management in Developing Countries - Fleury The Case of Brazil Manufacturing Firms in Developing Countries - Tybout How Well Do They Do and Why? PART ELEVEN: GLOBAL PRODUCT DESIGN Design for Global Manufacturing and Assembly - Taylor PART TWELVE: GLOBAL R&D Organization of Industrial R&D on a Global Scale - Gassmann and Von Zedtwitz Global R&D Management - DeMeyer and Mizushima PART THIRTEEN: CLUSTERS AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Supply Chains within Industrial Districts - Carbonara, Giannoccaro and Pontrandolfo A Theoretical Framework PART FOURTEEN: ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Environmental Management and Its Impact of the Operations Function - Gupta PART FIFTEEN: ETHICAL ISSUES Ethical Issues in International Buyer-Supplier Relationships - Carter A Dyadic Examination Volume Six: Innovation, Knowledge and Operations Improvement PART ONE: KNOWLEDGE CREATION AND MANAGEMENT Absorptive Capacity - Cohen and Levinthal A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation Challenges Posed to Operations Management by the 'New Economy' - Hayes Transformative Capacity - Garud and Nayyar Continual Structuring by Intertemporal Technology Transfer PART TWO: CREATIVITY In Search of Organizational Creativity - Haapasalo and Kess The Role of Knowledge Management PART THREE: OPERATIONS IMPROVEMENT The Importance-Performance Matrix as a Determinant of Improvement Priority - Slack Benchmarking and Operational Performance - Voss, Ahlstrom and Blackmon Some Empirical Results Modelling and Benchmarking Business Processes - Hewitt, Robinson and Bennett The Supply-Line Example PART FOUR: DECISIONS AND RISK MANAGEMENT IN OPERATIONS Option-Based Management of Technology Investment Risk - Benaroch PART FIVE: RE-ENGINEERING OPERATIONS Re-Engineering - Davenport and Stoddard Business Change of Mythic Proportions? Operations Management and Re-Engineering - Loch PART SIX: LEAN PRODUCTION AND LEAN THINKING From Lean Production to the Lean Enterprise - Womack and Jones Learning to Evolve - Hines, Holweg and Rich A Review of Contemporary Lean Thinking PART SEVEN: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Manufacturing Performance - Jayaram, Droge and Vickery PART EIGHT: PRODUCT AND PROCESS INNOVATION Discontinuous Innovation and the New Product Development Process - Veryzer A Dynamic Model of Product and Process Innovation - Utterback and Abernathy PART NINE: THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS Theory of Constraints - Rahman A Review of the Philosophy and Its Applications PART TEN: ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING Alternative Methods of Learning and Process Improvement in Manufacturing - Upton and Kim
Szczegóły: Operations Management II vols 4,5,6 - B Bennett
Tytuł: Operations Management II vols 4,5,6
Autor: B Bennett
Producent: SAGE Publications Ltd
ISBN: 9781412918916
Rok produkcji: 2006
Ilość stron: 1083
Oprawa: Twarda
Recenzje: Operations Management II vols 4,5,6 - B Bennett
Inne pozycje tego autora: B Bennett (20)
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- Trajan Optimus Princeps (Inwestycje) - Twarda
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- Pieprz uczucia Jak rozwiązywać nierozwiązywalne problemy (Sensus) - Miękka
- Piękny drań (Heraclon) - Plastikowa
- Madryt. Przewodnik National Geographic. (Słowne (dawniej Burda Książki)) - miękka
- Jesienne niebo (Dreams) - broszurowa
- Duch (Zysk i S-ka) - Twarda
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- Nieśmiertelny Hulk. Tom 2 (Egmont) - Miękka ze skrzydełkami
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- W stronę zachodzącego słońca (HarperCollins) - Miękka
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