Nonlinear Dynamics
M Daniel
Nonlinear Dynamics
M Daniel
- Producent: Narosa Publishing
- Rok produkcji: 2008
- ISBN: 9788173199417
- Ilość stron: 416
- Oprawa: Twarda
Opis: Nonlinear Dynamics - M Daniel
The field of nonlinear dynamics is witnessing an enormous progress in its various concepts like integrability, soliton, chaos and synchronization. Fascinating results on various nonlinear continuous time dynamical systems, maps, electronic circuits, coupled oscillators and several other physical systems have been obtained. Technological applications of nonlinear phenomena have also been proposed. The contributions in Nonlinear Dynamics cover recent developments on theoretical procedures and predictions, experimental observations and certain applications. As the book gives a comprehensive picture of the recent developments in nonlinear phenomena, it will be useful to wide audience including students, teachers and researchers in physics, applied mathematics and engineering who wish to learn the recent trends in nonlinear dynamics.Preface / A Short Resume of Professor M. Lakshmanan's Scientific Contributions / Integrable Systems: The World of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (L-L-G) Equation of Ferromagnetism: Integrability, Chaos, Patterns and all that / Concepts of Integrability for Partial Difference Equations / Nonlinearizing Linear Equations Generating Integrable Systems / Riccati Chain, Ramanujan's Differential Equations for Eisenstein Series and Chazy Flows / An Algorithm to Linearize Third-Order Equations Through Non-Point Transformation / Master and Nonlocal Symmetries of Extended Classical Long Wave System / Elastic Behavior in a Supercooled Liquid: A Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Model / Construction of Invariants for Time-Dependent Complex Dynamical Systems / Exact Invariants for One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Complex Hamiltonian Systems / Quantum Mechanics of Complex Quartic Potentials in Two-Dimensions / Solution of the Schrodinger Equation for Non-Central Potentials in Two Dimensions / Solitons: Solitons in the Bose-Einstein Condensates / Some Common Features Between Discrete;o4 Model and Discrete Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation / Quantum Corrections to Static Solutions of o4 and Sine-Gordon Models via Generalized Zeta-Function / Solitons and Modulational Instability in Photorefractive Materials / Thermalization of Incoherent Nonlinear Optical Waves / Biphonons in Quantum Curved Fermi - Pasta - Ulam Chain / Landau - Lifshitz Equation and Magnetization Switching / Mixed-Type Soliton Solutions of Multicomponent Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with Defocusing Nonlinearity / Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Time-Dependent Trap / Modulational Instability in Weak Ferromagnets / Nonlinear Magnetization Dynamics and Isotropic Ferromagnetic Medium with Spin Current / Parametric Autoresonance in Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation / Molecular Reorientation in a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal System / Nonlinear Wave Propagation Through Photorefractive Media / A Variational Approach to Soliton in Alpha Helical Proteins with Higher-Order Interactions / Perturbed Soliton Spin Excitations in an Inhomogenous Helimagnet / Chaos and Analysis of Nonlinear Continuous Systems: Bootstrapping Discrete - Gradient Integral - Preserving Integrators to Fourth Order / Recurrence Time Density for Ergodic Dynamical Systems in Continuous Time / Kinetics of Phase Separation and Wetting at Surfaces / Dynamics of Cracking Noise During Peeling of an Adhesive Tape / Chaotic Dynamics of Semiconductor Laser with Current Modulation and Optoelectronic Feedback / Virus Immune Drug Dynamics / Understanding Nonlinear Interactions in Neural Systems Using Higher Order Spectrum / Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics / Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Intraspecies Coexistence / An Algorithmic Computation of Multifractal Spectrum from Time Series / Chaos in Channeling / Horseshoe Dynamics in Duffing Oscillator With Multifrequency Excitation / Parametrically Perturbed Duffing Oscillator / Diffusion Dynamics in Three Undamped Pendulum Systems / Dynamically Reconstructed Trajectories / An Adaptive Approach to Filter a Time Series Data / Dynamical Systems Over the p-adic Fields Qp / Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Aging in Structural Glasses / A Bayesian Approach to Lagrangian Data Assimilation: Langevin Sampling and Model Error / Nonlinear Dynamics of Maps, Circuits and Delay Systems: Chaotic Advection of Inertial Particles in Two-Dimensional Flows / Exploiting the Effect of Noise on Nonlinear Systems to Obtain Reconfigurable Logic Gates / The Dynamics of Discontinuous Maps / Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in Driven Delay - Dynamics / Realization of Chaotic MLC Circuit with Threshold Nonlinearity / Dynamics of a Kicked Particle in a Finite Potential Well / Chaotic Dynamics of a Nonautonomous Nonlinear Circuit with Simplified Nonlinearity / Multistabilty in a Modulated Logistic Map / Bifurcation and Chaos in MLC Circuit with Simple Nonlinearity / Coupled Oscillators, Controlling and Synchronization of Chaos: Symmetries and Bifurcations in Unidirectionally Coupled Overdamped Bistable Systems / Ragged Synchronizability of Coupled van der Pol's Oscillators / Partial Control of the Bouncing Ball Map / Analytic Solution of the Local Version of the Kuramoto Model at the Stage of Complete Synchronization / Chaotic Dynamics in Coupled Adiabatic Piston Problem / A Quantum Trajectory Analysis of the Possible Field Induced KAM-like Transitions in Anharmonic Oscillators / Chaos and Hysteresis in Two-Coupled Duffing-van der Pol Oscillators / Synchronization in an Array of Three Josephson Junction / Antiphase to Inphase Transition in Coupled Nd:YAG Lasers / Threshold Coupled Chaotic Neuron Maps with Nonlocal Connections / Applications of Dynamical Systems to Joint Source Cryptographic-Channel Coding / Intermittency Transition to Generalized Synchronization in Coupled Ikeda Time-Delay Systems / Index.
Szczegóły: Nonlinear Dynamics - M Daniel
Tytuł: Nonlinear Dynamics
Autor: M Daniel
Producent: Narosa Publishing
ISBN: 9788173199417
Rok produkcji: 2008
Ilość stron: 416
Oprawa: Twarda
Recenzje: Nonlinear Dynamics - M Daniel
Inne pozycje tego autora: M Daniel (20)
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