Developing Regional Communities
S Marshall
Developing Regional Communities
S Marshall
- Producent: Idea Group Publishing
- Rok produkcji: 2005
- ISBN: 9781591405757
- Ilość stron: 804
- Oprawa: Twarda
Opis: Developing Regional Communities - S Marshall
In many international settings, regional economies are declining resulting in lowered opportunities for these communities. This result attacks the very fabric of cohesion and purpose for these regional societies, and increases social, health, economic and sustainability problems. Community Informatics research, education and practice is an emerging area in many countries, which seeks to address these issues. Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and Communication Technology provides leaders, policy developers, researchers, students and community workers with successful strategies and principles of Community Informatics to transform regions. This encyclopedia develops an integrative cross-sectoral approach in the use of Community Informatics to increase both social and cultural capital as a means to increased sustainability for regional communities.
Szczegóły: Developing Regional Communities - S Marshall
Tytuł: Developing Regional Communities
Autor: S Marshall
Producent: Idea Group Publishing
ISBN: 9781591405757
Rok produkcji: 2005
Ilość stron: 804
Oprawa: Twarda
Waga: 2.13 kg
Recenzje: Developing Regional Communities - S Marshall
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